Form 1 Business Studies questions and answers model test paper 2

Form 1 Business Studies questions and answers model test paper 2

Total of 25 Lessons

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1.  Give four characteristics of an entrepreneur.()

2.  State four disadvantages of specialization of work.()

3.  Outline four ways in which the utility of a product may be improved()

4.  Highlight four services of retailers to consumers()

5.  State four trends in modern office management()

6.  Name five categories of groups that a business is socially responsible to.()

7.  State four types of business activities()

8.  Outline four characteristics of human wants.()

9.  Give four advantages of using office machines()

10.  State four reasons why a business plan is important()

11.  List four factors of production and their rewards()

12.  Stephen started a business but after six months the business collapsed. Give four reasons that may account for this failure.()

13.  State two examples of the following a) Basic wants b) Secondary wants()

14.  Outline four advantages of itinerant traders.()

15.  Name four sources of business ideas()

16.  Outline four advantages of an enclosed office layout()

17.  State any four features of indirect production()

18.  Highlight four disadvantages of using a computer in the office()

19.  State the term given to each of the following statements. a)Activities carried out with a view of making profit b)Increasing the usefulness of goods and services c)A person who uses goods or services d)Study of how human beings strive to satisfy their endless wants using scarce economic resources ()

20.  State four ways in which consumers are exploited()

21.  Highlight four factors one should consider when selecting office equipment()

22.  Give four differences between goods and services()

23.  Explain four factors of an electronic filing system()

24.  Define the following terms as used in business studies a)Internet b)Intranet c)Website d) Teleconferencing()

25.  Outline four benefits that hawkers may have over shopkeepers()

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