KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Principles and Practice of Management past paper July 2021 Answers

Answers for PPM July 2021 Examination

Course Name:  Food and Beverage Management
Also Done By:
-Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management
-Diploma in Baking Technology
Course Level:  Diploma
Sub Level:       Module III
Course Unit:   Principles and Practice of Management
Exam body:    KNEC

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1. Explain each of the following managerial role: (a) Distribute handler role; (b) Negotiator ()

2. With reference to the behavioral Theory of Management, explain two conclusions made by Elton Mayo from the Hawthorne experiment ()

3. Outline four forces that may determine the degree of competition in an industry ()

4. Highlight four areas in which an organization may set objectives ()

5. Outline four reasons that make delegation important in an organization ()

6. Outline four guidelines that should be followed when setting performance standards during the control process ()

7. Outline four advantages derived from formal communication ()

8. Outline four factors that may cause failure of performance appraisal in an organization ()

9. Outline four reasons that makes co-ordination important in an organization ()

10. In relation to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, outline four ways in which the social needs of employees may be satisfied in an organization ()

11. Explain features of bureaucracy that have been incorporated in modern organization ()

12. Outline four factors that determine the role played by a manager in an organization ()

13. Explain four general economic condition that constitute the economic environment of a firm ()

14. Explain five measures that an organization may take to improve the effectiveness of the management by objectives (MBO) technique of management ()

15. Explain five circumstance under which the line organization structure may be appropriate ()

16. Explain four reasons that may account for the increasing popularity of the participative style of leadership ()

17. Explain four shortcomings of the commitment form of advertisement ()

18. Outline four benefits of management by exception technique of measurement as applied in the process of control. ()

19. Explain four consequences of failure that may have led widespread retrenchment of employee in recent years. ()

20. Explain four requirements that an effective control system should satisfy ()

21. The management of Uzi limited is committed to upholding ethical standards among employees. Outline four indicators of such commitment ()

22. Explain four consequences of failure to train employees in an organization ()

23. Explain four factors that may hinder effective coordination in an organization ()

24. Highlight four characteristics of a person with high need for achievement in accordance to McClelland’s needs theory of motivation. ()