KNEC Diploma in Human Resource Management Module II: Theory and Practice of Human Resource Management past paper November 2013 Answers

Answers for Theory and Practice of Human Resource Management past paper November 2013

Course Name:  Human Resource Management
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Course Level:  Diploma
Sub Level:       Module II
Course Unit:   Theory and Practice of Human Resource Management
Exam body:    KNEC

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1. Highlight the factors that a human resource manager should consider when determining merit pay for an employee in an organization ()

2. Explain the benefits that an organization may get from staffing its international operation with nationals from the host country ()

3. Explain the characteristics that differentiate fringe benefits from the other benefits that are offered by organization ()

4. Explain the circumstances under which a human resource manager may opt to use the team approach in the appraising the performance of the employees in an organization ()

5. The management of human resources at the international level has certain characteristics. Explain these characteristics ()

6. The management of Blanco limited conducts employees exit interview on an ongoing basis. Highlight the reasons that may account for this practice ()

7. Explain five factors that may cause a job dissatisfaction among employees in an organization ()

8. Explain five benefits that an organization may derive from the provision of a safe work environment for its employees ()

9. Explain the ways through which a counsellor may help an employee to manage work related stress in an organization ()

10. Describe five methods that a human resource manager may adopt when training an employee in an organization ()

11. Explain five benefits that an organization may obtain from adopting a group-wide incentive scheme for its employees ()

12. Outline five healthy and safety issues that human resource manager may have to address in organizations today ()

13. Explain five objectives that an organization may set to achieve in the training of its managerial staff. ()

14. Explain the reasons that may make it necessary for an organization to conduct employee performance appraisal. ()