KNEC diploma in ICT module I: Introduction to ICT and ethics past paper November 2011 Answers

KNEC diploma in ICT module I: Introduction to ICT and ethics past paper November 2011

Course Name:  Information and Communication Technology
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Course Level:  Diploma
Sub Level:       Module I
Course Unit:   Introduction to ICT and Ethics
Exam body:    KNEC

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1. Outline three advantages of using materials stored on a CD ROM over the internet. ()

2. Joseph aspires to motivate students through public speech. Describe three communication skills he should possess in order to achieve his objective ()

3. Mamlaka TTI received computers of varied specifications from well-wishers. The school computer technician is required to install necessary software in the computers i)Outline four factors that he should consider before installation. ii)In the process of installing software in one of the computers, the operation aborted. Explain two possible causes of for the abortion ()

4. Assuming that you have been approached by a large company as an ICT expert to assist in the procurement of software for the firm. Outline three factors that you should consider when selecting the software ()

5. Outline four main characteristics of the fourth generation computers ()

6. An ICT firm intends to recruit the following personnel through an advertisement. Outline two roles for each personnel that are likely to be included in the advert i) computer operator ii) software engineer ()

7. Jumbo training institute would like to develop an ICT policy in line with the performance contract requirement. Outline four issues likely to be incorporated in the policy. ()

8. Define the term computer network. ()

9. State two differences between an intranet and the internet ()

10. Explain the term Information Communication Technology (ICT) ()

11. Explain two ways in which computers are used in education ()

12. Describe each of the following computer devices citing one area of application for each of them. i)Digitizer ii) Bar codig ()

13. Susana is experiencing fatigue and eye strain as a result of using a computer monitor for a long period. State three aspects of the monitor that she should consider in order to take care of her health ()

14. Assuming that you have been appointed as an arbitrator, outline four skills that you should possess. ()

15. Explain three ways in which students can manage various forms of stress ()

16. Outline four requirements of the data managements of the Data Protection Act ()

17. Figure 2 shows a network design for an organization. Use it to answer the questions that follow. i)Explain two disadvantages of the topology. ii)Explain two advantages of the topology ()

18. Distinguish between magnetic and optical media devices giving an example in each case ()

19. State the contributions of each of the following scientist in the evolution of computers. i)Blaise Pascal ii)Charles Babbage. ()

20. A business firm with many clients intends to market their products through the internet. Explain two benefits it may derive from this strategy ()

21. When Peter inserted a CD in a computer the following information was displayed. Name Size Type autorun.inf 1KB Setup Information eula.rtf 61KB Rich Text Format Mavis Win.ico 49KB Icon ReadMe.txt 32KB Word Document setup.exe 348KB Application i)Explain the purpose of each of the following files during the installation of the software on the CD. I)autorun.inf II)setup.exe ()

22. i)Explain the following terms as used in computers; I)electronic eavesdropping II)electronic jamming. ()

23. With the aid of a diagram, describe a mesh network topology ()

24. Jemmy Mobile Company intends to introduce a money transfer services for its clients.Outline four benefits that the clients will derive from this service ()

25. Distinguish between soft-copy and hard copy output. ()

26. Some college students exhibit lack of self-confidence in academics. i)Explain the term self-confidence. ii)Outline two characteristics of such student ()

27. Define the term conflict ()

28. Anne is constantly having conflicts with her siblings on how to share workload at home. Explain three approaches that she should employ in order to resolve these conflicts ()

29. Describe each of the following application software giving an example in each case. i)Presentation ii)CAD iii)DTP ()

30. States two benefits that can arise when a company adopts a policy of social responsibility to each of the following: i)company itself ii)community and the general public iii)environment. ()

31. Outline two functions of the control unit in a computer system ()

32. Goodhope Academy is a school whose management intends to put up an ICT centre for its learners. Outline four guidelines that should be considered by management when designing the center. ()

33. State two functions of each of the following computer devices. (4mks) i)Output ii)Input ()

34. A company intends to use the tendering method to procure general purpose software. Outline six steps that could be used by the tender committee to meet the objective ()

35. Oldgoldie is an IT firm which purchases e-waste from learning institutions and refurbishes those which are still in good condition. i)Outline two social responsibilities related to its core activities that the company is likely to be engaged in. ii)State two challenges that this firm is likely to encounter when providing social responsibility services ()

36. Susan encountered the option Upgrade, Uninstall and Repair when she was installing software in her computer. Explain the circumstance under which each of the option is applicable ()