KNEC Diploma in ICT module I Operating systems past paper: July 2012 Answers

The paper is solved and all answers are verified. The paper can also help those doing Certificate in ICT Module 1

Course Name:  Information and Communication Technology
Also Done By:
CICT module 1
Course Level:  Diploma
Sub Level:       Module I
Course Unit:   Operating Systems
Exam body:    KNEC

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1. State four objectives of operating system ()

2. Explain the meaning of the following terms as used in operating system I.Kernel II.Shell; ()

3. Differentiate between monolithic and non-monolithic operating systems ()

4. Ann, a system analyst with a certain company created a system file using an operating system. Explain two file properties she could have used ()

5. State four file organizations used in operating systems ()

6. Outline four typical operations that could be performed on files in a computer system ()

7. Outline two file attributes used in operating systems ()

8. Explain each of the following terms as used in operating system i)Disk caching ii)Volume ()

9. Differentiate between low-level and high-level formatting as used in disk operation ()

10. During data input using a keyboard, the operating system temporarily stores the keyboard strokes on the keyboard memory. i)Identify this I/O communication technique. ii)State one advantage of the technique identified in (i). iii)Explain two purpose of using this I/O technique in (i) ()

11. State four types of disk arm scheduling algorithms ()

12. During an operating system lesson in a certain college, a lecturer mentioned various kernel components that facilitates the I/O manager. Outline four kernel components that could have mentioned ()

13. The figure 1 shows a memory allocation technique used in an operating system. Use it to answer the question that follows. (i)Identify the memory allocation technique used justify your answer. (ii)Explain the procedure that could be used for address transition (iii)Explain four benefits of the memory allocation technique identified in (i) ()

14. A group of ICT module1 students in a certain college were carrying out an assignment about causes of process termination in operating system. Explain two possible causes they have written in their report ()

15. Explain each of the following terms as used operating system i)Semaphore ii)Monitor ()

16. Differentiate between symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessing operating systems ()

17. Paul, a module 1 student in a certain college was carrying out a term project which involved a developing an interactive operating system. He decided to use preemptive scheduling algorithm. (i) Explain one reasons that could have influenced his choice of this scheduling algorithms ii)Explain two limitations of this scheduling algorithm ()

18. A certain organization used a distributed operating system. Assuming you are hired as an IT consultant, explain three file access control methods you could recommend to safeguard the organizational data ()

19. Outline two strategies that could be used to prevent deadlock in computer systems. ()

20. Explain the term virtual memory as used in operating systems ()

21. Explain three objectives of memory management as used in operating system. ()

22. Differentiate between virtual memory and physical memory addressing as used in operating systems ()

23. List four files access method in operating systems ()

24. Outline three characteristics of the 4th generation operating systems ()

25. Differentiate between block oriented and character oriented I/O device giving an example in each case ()

26. With the aid of a diagram, describe the process life cycle as used in operating systems ()

27. With the aid of a diagram, describe the memory hierarchy in computer systems ()

28. State four examples of network operating system from other different families ()

29. State two advantages of distributed operating system ()

30. Table 1 shows details of process in a computer system. Use it to answer the questions that follows.Assuming that the system uses SJF scheduling algorithm Explain one disadvantage of the system ()

31. A certain software company developed an operating system but during testing, the results showed the system has a problem with memory segmentation. Outline four causes of the problem ()

32. James, a student with a certain college was carrying out an assignment about memory registers in computer system. Describe two types of registers James would include in his report ()

33. Explain two advantages of dynamic linking as used in memory management ()

34. A certain company intends to deploy RAID technology as a backup strategy on their distributed system. Outline four level of RAID technology the company would use to accomplish the task ()

35. Alex, a system analyst with a certain company was given a task of designing an operating system that would work with different hardware vendor. Describe three types of I/O communication technique that he would use ()

36. With aid of DIAGRAM, Outline the internal structure of a hard disk ()