KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module I:Introduction to ICT past paper July 2014 Answers

All questions have been answered by an expert KNEC syllabus tutor.

Course Name:  Information and Communication Technology
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Course Level:  Craft Certificate
Sub Level:       Module I
Course Unit:   Introduction to ICT
Exam body:    KNEC

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1. Describe two wireless communication media that could be used in a computer. ()

2. Differentiate between impact and non-impact printers. ()

3. State the functions of each of the following computer keyboard keys. -Page up -Esc -Num lock -Home ()

4. Distinguish between data and information giving an example in each case. ()

5. Outline four functions of an operating system in a computer ()

6. Explain two circumstances that may lead to uninstalling software from a computer ()

7. State the purpose of each of the following devices in a computer ()

8. Classify each of the following as either primary or secondary storage devices. -Read only memory -Floppy disk -Magnetic disk -Zip disk -Random access memory ()

9. Outline four ways in which local area networks are used in an organization. ()

10. Explain two challenges that the introduction of computers may pose to an organization ()

11. Jane has acquired a computer and she would like to use it to process and store valuable data. i)Explaining two procedures she would take to protect the computers from getting viruses. ii) Other than viruses, outline three other possible forms of threats on her files ()

12. Many peoples nowadays use their computers to do online shopping. Outline two challenges of this form of shopping. ()

13. Jane was setting up a LAN in her office. Explain the function of each of the following tools that she may use. -Crimping tool -Network cable tester -Coaxial compression tool -Punch down tool ()

14. Mwamuko bank is a small bank with few branches and the management would like to introduce on-line banking system using the internet. At the moment, all deposits and withdrawal documents are gathered together in the course of the day and are processed in branches overnight. Statements are only sent to customers at the end of each month. i) Outline three benefits that the bank gains from using batch ()

15. Describe three items that a bank customer should have in order to access an account details using the on-line banking system ()

16. With the aid of a diagram, illustrate a data hierarchy. Data Hierarchy ()

17. Agnes an IT officer in her organization has been mandated to acquire software that would be used in the organization. i) State three factors she would consider when selecting the computer software. ()

18. Describe computers that are classified as general purpose ()

19. Explain three ways in which computers may be used in a hospital ()

20. With the aid of a diagram, illustrate a structure of magnetic disk showing tracks and sectors. ()

21. A college intends to introduce an automated registration system. Students will carry a card which will be read automatically by an input device every morning so that the college administration will know that they are present. i) Name a suitable input device that would be used to read a card ii)Instead of using the card-based system the management suggests using biometrics. Describe two ways that ()

22. State three differences between local area network and a wide area network. ()

23. In order to enforce ethical issues relating to personal data, the government should introduce data protection act. Outline three principles that the data protection act may contain ()

24. Outline three ways through which an employee in an organization might break laws governing data protection. ()

25. With the aid of a labeled diagram, outline a client server network as used in data communication. ()