Form 2 Computer Studies questions and answers on Spreadsheets

Form 2 Computer Studies questions and answers on Spreadsheets

Total of 38 Lessons

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1.  Define the term spreadsheets.()

2.  Describe two types of spreadsheets.()

3.  Give four advantages of the electronic spreadsheet over the manual spreadsheet.()

4.  List two components of a spreadsheet.()

5.  State four application areas of spreadsheet()

6.  Define the term active cell.()

7.  Give the default function of these control keys as used in spreadsheets: i)Left arrow ii)Tab iii)Enter iv)Shift +tab v)Home()

8.  A student obtained the following marks in an examination: 70, 80, 60, 33, and 76. If the values are written at cells C5 to C9, write a formula that will be used to sum all marks greater than 50.()

9.  A project manager is currently working on a workbook named “Nairobi City”. She would like to save it with the new name “Beautiful City”. Outline the steps to follow.()

10.  Outline the steps for setting the automatic save of a workbook.()

11.  Differentiate between workbook and a worksheet.()

12.  List two logical functions in a spreadsheet.()

13.  Describe the following terms as used in electronic spreadsheet: a)Automatic recalculations b)Data range()

14.  Differentiate between a formula and a function.()

15.  Explain the term “what if analysis” as used in spreadsheet.()

16.  The formula =F24 + N$18 was typed in cell J25 and copied to cell L21 of a spreadsheet. Write the formula in destination cell.()

17.  Give examples of spreadsheet packages.()

18.  List four data types available in spreadsheets()

19.  Give two different ways in which a sheet name in a workbook can be renamed.()

20.  Give three component of a worksheet.()

21.  Define the following terms as used in spreadsheet graphs. a)Legend b) Data series()

22.  Differentiate between sum and sumIf functions.()

23.  Define the term data filtering as used in spreadsheets()

24.  Differentiate between a label and a value used in spreadsheets.()

25.  List three sections of a function()

26.  Consider the data in the cells below entered in a worksheet. a)Name the data types in the cells i)D13 ii)E20 iii)E21 b)Give the values in cells i)E20 ii)E22.()

27.  Differentiate between sorting and filtering of data as applied in spreadsheets.()

28.  Mention two types of cell referencing.()

29.  Describe four cell data types as used in spreadsheets.()

30.  Define the term cell reference.()

31.  Explain three types of cell referencing techniques.()

32.  Describe the following components of spreadsheet: i)Worksheet ii)Database iii)Graphs()

33.  Explain how spreadsheets can be used in these areas: i)statistical analysis ii)Accounting iii)Data management iv) Forecasting()

34.  Name any two types of charts in a spreadsheet.()

35.  Define the term cell as used in spreadsheet.()

36.  Give the function of the following types of charts: bar graph, line graph, pie chart and scatter chart.()

37.  List any two data management tools in spreadsheets.()

38.  For each of the following. State the type of cell referencing that has been used in: (i)A6 (ii) $F$7()

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