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Form 4 Business Studies paper 1 questions and answers model test paper 4

A resource is something that is used by a business to achieve an objective. Identify four resources available in a business.

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Questions/Lessons on this topic:

1. The information below describes some terminologies used in Business studies.identify the terms given to each statement. a)Activities carried out with a view of making a profit b)Increasing the usefulness of goods or services c)Movement of goods from producers to consumers d)A person who uses a good or a service ()
2. State four factors that an entrepreneur would consider before investing in a business opportunity ()
3. Outline four measures that may be taken by an office to safeguard the property of the organization. ()
4. Outline four features of departmental store ()
5. Outline four contents of the articles of association as a document required by registrar of companies ()
6. State four reasons why consumers need protection from unscrupulous traders ()
7. One of the flagship projects by the Kenyan Government is LAPSSET and standard Gauge Railway (SGR). Outline four benefits of the new railway line to the Kenyan economy ()
8. Highlight four limitations of a siren as a means of communication ()
9. State four benefits of bonded warehouse to the government ()
10. Give any four contents of cover note ()
11. The descriptions stated below refer to various methods of advertisements. For each description, give the method that best matches it. a)Any mention of a person/firm or product in the mass media b)Presentation of a commodity to the prospective buyers , face to face by sales person with an aim of making sales c)Process of information with a view of creating, promoting or maintaining good will ()
12. The table below shows the growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP) of a certain country for two years 2003-6.5% 2005-2.0% Highlight four circumstances under which the standards of living of the citizens of the country referred to above may not necessarily have been lower in 2005 than 2003 ()
13. Outline four features of a monopoly market structure ()
14. Highlight four reasons why many governments discourage localization of firms ()
15. Giving an example in each case, define the following terms i)Long term liability ii)Current assets ()
16. A resource is something that is used by a business to achieve an objective. Identify four resources available in a business. ()
17. Highlight four merits of current account to the account holder ()
18. Outline four reasons why the government may impose trade restrictions on her trading activities. ()
19. Outline four causes of cost-push inflation in any country ()
20. Highlight four reasons why the Kenyan government impose tax. ()
21. Identify four goals of development ()