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Form 4 history and government questions and answers for paper 1 : model test paper 3

Explain the ways which the colonial government used to acquire labour for settlers in Kenya.

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Explanation/Answer Text:

Questions/Lessons on this topic:

1. What was the basis of the political organization of African communities in Kenya before the colonial rule? ()
2. Why are the Luo, Maasai and Kalenjins referred to as Nilotic Speakers? ()
3. State two functions of the council of elders in Kenyan societies up to 19th century. ()
4. Identify two reasons which led to the decline of the long distance trade. ()
5. What powers were given to Imperial British East Africa Company under the Charter of 1888? ()
6. Name one Agiriama leader who led resistance against the British. ()
7. What were the reasons for the construction of Kenya-Uganda railway? ()
8. Identify one newspaper which published African grievances up to 1943. ()
9. Mention two types of political elections held in Kenya. ()
10. Identify one institution which advised the governor in Kenya in the administration of the colony during the early 20th century ()
11. Why were Africans not allowed to grow cash crops during the colonial period? ()
12. State two features of the political organizations which were formed in Kenya before 1939. ()
13. Who was responsible for the promotion of African education in Kenya during colonial period? ()
14. State two ways in which one becomes a member of a country government. ()
15. State two occasions when the President always attends the National Assembly. ()
16. Trace the pattern of the migration of the River-Lake Nilotes. ()
17. Explain the results of the migration of the River-Lake Nilotes. ()
18. What were the reasons for the coming of the Arabs to the East African Coast up to 1500 AD? ()
19. Explain ways in which Seyyid Said promoted trade between the East African Coast and the outside world during the 19th century. ()
20. Outline the terms of the Devonshire White Paper. ()
21. Explain the ways which the colonial government used to acquire labour for settlers in Kenya. ()
22. Discuss the role of women in the struggle for independence in Kenya. ()
23. Explain the problems faced by Kenyan nationalists in their struggle for independence. ()
24. Identify five values of good citizenship. ()
25. Explain how the bill of rights in the Kenyan constitution protects the rights of an individual. ()
26. Identify challenges faced in giving Kenyans a new constitution. ()
27. What are the functions of the Speaker of the National Assembly? ()
28. Identify reforms which have been carried out in the police force. ()
29. Explain the process of law making in Kenya. ()