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Form 1 Computer Studies questions and answers for Introduction to Computers

List any three embedded computers.

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Questions/Lessons on this topic:

1. Define the term datum? Give an example ()
2. Differentiate between analog data and digital data. ()
3. For information to be created, data must be processed. Give an example of data and the process done to it to convert it to information. ()
4. Give two reasons why laptops are more expensive than desktop computers with the same specifications ()
5. Differentiate between computer onboard devices and peripheral devices. ()
6. Mention three characteristics of the 4th generation computers. ()
7. Write the following computer abbreviations in full. a) RAM b) CPU c) PC ()
8. Give three advantages of digital over analog data. ()
9. Mention three reasons why a calculator is a computer. ()
10. Match each of the following technologies with the generation it was developed. ()
11. Distinguish between the deletion of characters using the overtype and delete keys. ()
12. Computer output may be in several forms. Describe each of the form listed below. -Softcopy -Hardcopy ()
13. a)Write the acronym UPS in full. b)Explain the uses of UPS. ()
14. a)Describe computer booting system. b)Explain two ways of booting a computer. ()
15. List two toggle keys on a computer keyboard. ()
16. State the functions of the following a)Escape key b)End key ()
17. Define the following terms: a)Data b)Information c)Information processing cycle. ()
18. a)State three precautions that should be taken to protect data loss in a computer. b)List three causes of computer data loss. ()
19. a)List three-way by which computers can be classified. b)Give an example of a computer classified under each category ()
20. State two characteristics of a mainframe computer. ()
21. List three differences between a microcomputer and a super computer. ()
22. Differentiate between safety precautions and safety practices in the computer laboratory. ()
23. Name two types of microcomputers. ()
24. State the difference between RAM and ROM ()
25. Mention any three differences between second and third computer generations. ()
26. List three ways in which computers are used in education. ()
27. Suggest how computers have been made user-friendly to persons that are physically challenged in the following areas. a)Without hands b)Impaired person ()
28. a)Define uninterruptable power supply (UPS). b)Differentiate between a surge protector and the UPS ()
29. a)Explain two health problems that can be caused by prolonged use of computers. b)For each problem listed in (a) mention one way in which they can be prevented. ()
30. Differentiate between general-purpose and dedicated computers. ()
31. State four ways in which computers are used in the bank. ()
32. List three advantages of using robots in industries. ()
33. List four categories of computer hardware. ()
34. Mention the secondary storage device introduced in the 2nd to the 5th generation of computers. ()
35. Differentiate between analog and digital computers. ()
36. a)Define ICT. b)State ways by which ICTs have improved communication. ()
37. a)What is biometric analysis? b)Give two applications of biometric analysis in computing. ()
38. a)Define a computer laboratory. b)Why is it advisable to remove shoes when entering a computer laboratory? ()
39. With reference to cables, list two reasons why a keyboard may not function correctly. ()
40. State four ways in which a computer user can protect the eyes from damage caused by computer radiation. ()
41. Give the key combination for warm booting a computer. ()
42. State two possible dangers of shutting down a computer improperly. ()
43. Mention three possible ways of warm booting a computer. ()
44. Define peripheral devices and give examples. ()
45. Name three computer storage devices. ()
46. List three uses of computer in entertainment. ()
47. Differentiate between job replacement and job displacement and relate to computerization of organization. ()
48. Describe the process of cold-booting a computer. ()
49. List any four differences between the present computers and the pre-electronic age computers. ()
50. List three factors that might have been considered when setting aside the room for computer laboratory. ()
51. State and explain three behaviors that should be avoided in a computer laboratory. ()
52. List any three embedded computers. ()
53. Give one application of a floppy disk. ()
54. State four precautions that should be taken when handling a diskette. ()
55. Give three ways in which computers are used in the health sector. ()
56. What Is a mouse? ()
57. Describe the following mouse actions. ()
58. Explain how a cordless mouse works. ()
59. Outline the procedure for shutting down a computer. ()
60. List three precautions that should be taken when laying cables in a computer laboratory. ()
61. Define peripheral devices. Give any two examples. ()
62. Name the generation of computers that used the following devices for the first time. i)Floppy disk ii)Optical disk iii)Voice recognition devices iv)Monitor. ()
63. Mention four ways of preventing dust accumulation in a computer laboratory and on computer systems and equipment. ()
64. Differentiate between the home and end keys on the keyboard. ()
65. Give a short description of three types of microcomputers. ()
66. Classify the computers that are used to control air traffic in the airport. Explain your answer. ()
67. Who was referred to as ‘the father of modern computers’ and why? ()
68. State two ways in which computer is used in floriculture. ()
69. Why is it not advisable to run into and out of a computer lab? ()
70. Which keys do DEL and INS represent on the keyboard? ()
71. Differentiate between backspace and delete key. ()
72. Define a keyboard. ()
73. Mention two advantages of using a keyboard. ()