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Form 4 history and government questions and answers for paper 1 : model test paper 5

Explain five reasons why Maasai collaborated with the British.

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Explanation/Answer Text:

Questions/Lessons on this topic:

1. Name two Kenyan communities which are classified as plain Nilotes. ()
2. Identify two species of early man whose remains were discovered in Kenya. ()
3. Give two natural factors that facilitated contact between the Kenyan coast and the outside world by 1500 AD. ()
4. Identify the main reasons why the Mijikenda lived in kayas. ()
5. Give two features of the political organizations which were formed in Kenya before 1939. ()
6. State the main reason why the British government brought in coolies to construct the railway. ()
7. Name the settler farmer who introduced wheat in Kenya during the colonial period. ()
8. State the main the main functions of the legislature in Kenya. ()
9. Who appoints the provincial commissioners/administrators in Kenya? ()
10. State two ways in which village elders can promote law and order in the village. ()
11. Name two ex-officio members in the parliament. ()
12. What is the main duty of the government chief whip in Kenya’s parliament? ()
13. Identify one fundamental principle of the concept of the natural justice. ()
14. State two ways in which the Kenyan constitution promotes national unity. ()
15. What is the main political change that was introduced in KANU during Limuru conference of 1966? ()
16. State two forms of ownership advocated by African socialism in Kenya. ()
17. Name one ex-officio member of the local authorities in Kenya. ()
18. Give five results of the settlement of the Luo in Kenya during the precolonial period. ()
19. Describe the social organization of the Luo during the pre-colonial period. ()
20. Why did Seyyid Said transfer his capital from Muscat to Zanzibar in 1840? ()
21. What were the effects of long distance trade on the peoples of East Africa? ()
22. Explain five reasons why Maasai collaborated with the British. ()
23. Discuss the results of the Maasai collaboration of the Maasai with the British. ()
24. Identify roles played by women in the struggle for Kenya’s independence. ()
25. Explain factors that hastened the achievement of independence in Kenya after 1945. ()
26. Give qualification for one to be elected a member of the national assembly in Kenya. ()
27. Explain factors that can undermine free and fair election in Kenya. ()
28. Identify the basics aims of prison sentence. ()
29. Explain problems faced by prison inmates in Kenya. ()
30. Give reasons why the Kenyan government prepares an annual national budget. ()
31. Discuss the sources of government revenue in Kenya. ()