Form 1 Computer Studies questions and answers for Introduction to Computers

Form 1 Computer Studies questions and answers for Introduction to Computers

Total of 73 Lessons

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1.  State and explain three behaviors that should be avoided in a computer laboratory.()

2.  List any three embedded computers.()

3.  Give one application of a floppy disk.()

4.  State four precautions that should be taken when handling a diskette.()

5.  Give three ways in which computers are used in the health sector.()

6.  What Is a mouse?()

7.  Describe the following mouse actions.()

8.  Explain how a cordless mouse works.()

9.  Outline the procedure for shutting down a computer.()

10.  List three precautions that should be taken when laying cables in a computer laboratory.()

11.  Define peripheral devices. Give any two examples.()

12.  Name the generation of computers that used the following devices for the first time. i)Floppy disk ii)Optical disk iii)Voice recognition devices iv)Monitor.()

13.  Mention four ways of preventing dust accumulation in a computer laboratory and on computer systems and equipment.()

14.  Differentiate between the home and end keys on the keyboard.()

15.  Give a short description of three types of microcomputers.()

16.  Classify the computers that are used to control air traffic in the airport. Explain your answer.()

17.  Who was referred to as ‘the father of modern computers’ and why?()

18.  State two ways in which computer is used in floriculture.()

19.  Why is it not advisable to run into and out of a computer lab?()

20.  Which keys do DEL and INS represent on the keyboard?()

21.  Differentiate between backspace and delete key.()

22.  Define a keyboard.()

23.  Mention two advantages of using a keyboard.()

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