
<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 1 Computer Applications I past paper:July 2016

Explain the function of section breaks as used in word processing applications

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State the expected output from each of the following spreadsheets functions. (i.) Round down (2334.978, 1); (ii.) Roundup (2334.978, 1). (iii.) Truncate (2334.978,1);
2. Distinguish between report footer and page footer as used in database applications
3. The operating system performs the function of file management. Explain two such functions
4. Table one shows an extract of records of students in the database of a college. Use it to answer the questions that follow. Write query criteria that would be used to extract each of the following statements; i)All students whose names start with letter ‘K’ and come from Uganda; (ii.)Students born before 6/5/1995 with fees balance less than 50,000.00;
5. a)Explain each of the following features as applied in word processing applications; (i.)Footnote; (2mks) (ii.)End note; (2mks) (iii.)Watermark. (2mks)
6. Explain the circumstances that would necessitate a computer user to apply the mail merge feature in word processing
7. Explain the term referential integrity as used in database applications
8. Figure 1 shows a text placeholder in a DTP program. Use it to answer the question that follow State the function of each of the following parts labelled (i) and (ii)
9. Kabana had the following formulas entered in different cells of a worksheets; i)=D29/$D$36*160; ii)=$D$3*$F$13; Explain the cell reference used in each of the formulas.
10. Explain the function of section breaks as used in word processing applications
11. Paul noticed the following errors displayed in different cells of a worksheet, -DIV/O! -REF! -VALUE! (i.)Explain the cause of each of the errors. (ii.)Explain the remedy for each of the errors identifies in (i) above.
12. A college management has installed an internet for its library use. Outline three advantages of this network to the college
13. Explain the circumstances under which each of the following features could be applied in a spreadsheet program: (i.)Filtering; (ii.)Sorting.
14. Define each of the following terms as used in presentation applications; i)Use presenter view ii)Slide master.
15. State the function of input mask as used in database applications.
16. Differentiate between MEMO and OLE data types as in database application programs, giving an example in each case
17. Distinguish between slide sorter and slide layout as applied in presentation programs.
18. Figure 2 was transformed to Figure 3 and Figure 4 respectively using a presentation program Explain the feature that was used to get the transformations
19. State the functions of each of the following as used in DTP applications: (i.)Deck (ii.)Horizontal ruler
20. Explain the functions of each of the following options when applied to a presentation: (i.)Hide slide (ii.)Custom animation (iii.)Placeholder
21. With the aid of a diagram in each case, describe the following database models; (i.)Hierarchical(2mks) (ii.)Network(2mks)
22. Distinguish between Design view and datasheet view as applied in databases
23. State the function of lock guide as used in the design of DTP applications
24. Explain a circumstance under which a handout option would be applied during the printing of a presentation.
25. Write a validation rule for each of the following conditions to be used during the design of database tables: (i.)Accept any characters between (a-z) only; (ii.)Accept any 8 numeric characters only;
26. Explain a circumstance that would necessitate the use of the following features on an e-mail application: (i.)Bcc (ii.)Cc
27. State the function of each of the following desktop publishing features; (i.)Kerning (ii.)Tracking