
<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 2 structured programming past paper: July 2019

Differentiate between a monolithic and a modularity approaches to programming

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline four advantages of sub programs of a computer program
2. State two classes of data types as used in C language
3. Explain the concept of recursive function as used in C programming
4. A student wrote a program in C language. Outline three modes that the student would use to open a data file in this program
5. Write a program in C language that computes an absolute value of a given number
6. With aid of a diagram, describe a queue data structure
7. Differentiate between machine and assembly language as used in programming
8. The following program was written by a student during a practical lesson. Use it to answer the question that follows.Explain the loop body.
9. Write a C program that prompts a user to enter the amount of fee paid. When the amount of fees paid is less than 20,000 the program display a message “Cyber services denied”
10. Distinguish between call by reference and by value parameters passing as used in programming
11. Outline four characteristics of high level languages
12. Outline three reasons for compiling program under development
13. Write a program in a C language that determines if a character entered is a vowel. The program then display an appropriate message. Use a switch statement
14. A student wrote a program in C language. Outline four programming styles he could use to increase the readability of the program
15. Differentiate between a monolithic and a modularity approaches to programming
16. Outline two types of test data as used during program testing in C programming
17. Explain two types of errors that are encountered when developing a program
18. Write a program in C language that prompts a user to enter five different marks for a test in an array. The program the computes then display then displays the average marks correct to two decimal places
19. Write a program in C language that generate the first ten positive integers. Use pretesting loop other than for loop
20. Define each of the following terms as used in programming. (3 marks) (i) Reserved words (ii) Dry run (ii) Order of priority
21. Write a program in C language that prompts a user to enter two integers. The program the divide the bigger with smaller integer provided it is not a zero through a function
22. Write an algorithm that could be used to add an element in a stack of data structure
23. John compiled a documentation for a program he wrote. Outline three parts of documentation that he could include to ease access of the information in the documentation
24. State two items contained in each of the following type of documentation. (i) system; (ii) program
25. Outline two reasons a binary search technique is preferred
26. Write a program segment in C language to assign each of the following; (i) 15 to an integer variable x through pointer p ii)The address of a float type 16.54 variable x to a pointer pt
27. Table 1 shows the employee monthly bonus in a manufacturing company based on sales. Use it to answer the questions that follows Draw a flow chart for a program that prompts a user to enter the employee’s basic salary and sales. The program then then calculates the gross salary and output basic salary, gross salary and bonus
28. Outline four advantages of using pseudo code during program design
29. Mary created a data file in a C program, when trying to read the file the fopen() returned NULL. Outline two possible cause of this
30. Outline two function that are used to randomly to retrieve data in a C program data file
31. The data input to a program array is as follows; 54, 33,76,23,15. The data is to be stored in ascending order using an insertion sort method. Show all steps to be taken to sort this data