
<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 2 structured programming past paper: November 2017

State the role of a linker program during program translation

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain the difference between bubble sort and merge sort as used in C programming language
2. Differentiate between ordered and non-ordered linear search as used in. searching
3. State two disadvantages of programming in machine language.
4. State the role of a linker program during program translation
5. Describe high level programming language giving two examples.
6. Describe internet based programming giving examples of languages that support this approach
7. Using examples in each case, differentiate between declared and defined constants as used in programming
8. Explain a circumstance under which a relational operator would be preferred over logical operator in a C program
9. Differentiate between static array and dynamic array as used in programming
10. Explain the condition that could be satisfied before binary search is applied on an array of data elements.
11. Outline two operation that could be performed in a queue data structure
12. (a) Use C programming language to create a structure that can be used to store these details: Name, IdNo, Gender, Age, Department, Salary b) For the structure created in (a) declare an appropriate variable that can be used to access the values.
13. Explain two reasons why program documentation is necessary during program development.
14. Given that 1 kilometre is equivalent to 1000 meters, Write a C program code that would prompt a user to enter a value in kilometers and convert it to meters and display the results.
15. Write a C program code that would prompt a user to enter a value and determine whether it is odd or even number.
16. With the aid of a diagram in each case, describe the following as applied in flowchart. (i) process (ii) input/output (iii) Decision
17. Outline five steps of solving a problem through computer programming
18. Write a C program code that creates an array containing the following values:45,25,56,23,89,49 The program should then calculate the sum of the values and display the result.
19. Differentiate between scanf() and printf() function as used in C programming language
20. Outline three rules that should be followed when naming identifiers in C programming.
21. Explain the term function stating its syntax in C programming
22. Table 1 shows the ages of people and their corresponding comments. Use it to answer the question that follows. Using C programming language, write a program code that prompts a user to enter ones age then the program displays an appropriate comment.
23. Use C program statement to show how to text file named program.txt can be created using a pointer.
24. Table 2 shows some values and the corresponding days of a week. Use it to answer the questions that follows. Use switch case to write a C program that prompts a user to enter a value then the program displays the corresponding day of the week.
25. Differentiate between a local variable and global variable as used in C programming.
26. Write a C program that uses pointers to change the values of x from 10 to 15
27. The following is a C program code that has errors. Use it to answer the question that follows. #include<stdio.h> int main() { int x,y; printf(“Enter the value of x \n”); scanf(“%d”, x); if(x>20); printf(“the value is greater than 20 and it is”,x); return 0; } Identify the errors and rewrite the correct program code
28. Brenda intends to buy 4 loaves of bread and 5 packets of milk. If each loaf of bread costs Ksh50 and a packet of milk costs Ksh45. Write a program in C that could be used to calculate and display the amount of money she will spent.
29. Explain the difference between logical error and syntax error as used in C programming