
<=KNEC diploma in ict module 1 structured programming past paper:November 2016

Explain two ways in which records can be organized in a computer file

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State two programming paradigms giving an example of programming language in each case
2. Differentiate between structured and user defined data types as used in C programming language
3. Explain each of the following stages used when solving a problem through computer programming (i.)Problem definition. (ii.)Writing the algorithm (iii.)Testing the solution
4. Write a C program that prompts the user to enter three integers and displays the largest of them. Use if….else control structure
5. Explain two ways through which parameters can be passed to a function
6. With aid of an example in each case, distinguish between relational and logical operators as used in structured programming.
7. Describe each of the following data structures as used in programming. i.Linked list ii.Array
8. Table 1 shows the criteria used by a supermarket to award discounts to the customers based on the amount spent. Write a C program that prompts the user for the amount spent. The program should use a function to calculate and display the net amount paid by the customer. (8 marks) Hint: net amount=amount spent-(discount rate X amount spent)
9. Outline the function of each of the following string functions as used in Pascal programming language. i.SetLength ii.Str
10. Distinguish between a flowchart and a pseudocode as used in programming
11. Write a pseudo code that could be used to calculate the product of all numbers from 1 to 15
12. Outline four application areas of the queue data structure
13. Distinguish between compilation and debugging as used in programming
14. Below is a C program with errors. Use it to answer the question that follows:
15. Given the following list of numbers: 45,23,4, 15,78,52,12,6,56 Show step by step process of sorting the list using bubble sort technique.
16. Differentiate between a local variable and a global variable as used in programming
17. Explain two advantages of the linked list data structure
18. Student has declared two integer variables x and y. at declaration, he initialized the value of x to be 40 and value of y to be 50. Using pointers, write C program that can be used to change the value of these variables to 55 and 60 respectively
19. Below is a C program with errors in the lines labelled 1, 2 and 3. Use it to answer the questions that follow: Explain the types of errors that could be generated from lines 1, 2 and 3 when the program is executed
20. Outline four reasons why program documentation should be done during program development.
21. With the aid of syntax statements in each case, distinguish between the do…while loop and the while loop as used in programing.
22. Explain two ways in which records can be organized in a computer file
23. Describe each of the following types of files generated during program development and compilation. i)Source file; ii)Object file.
24. Outline four rules to be observed when choosing variable names
25. Explain two circumstances under which top-down program design would be recommended in program development
26. Differentiate between declared constants and defined constants as used in C programming.
27. Write the output from the following C program
28. The following details captured about a student are needed to be stored in a text file called StudentFile located in drive C of a hard disk. Full Names Registration Number Class Write a Pascal program to prompt the user to enter the details of ten students and store them in the file. Use a record data type.