
<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module I Operating systems past paper: November 2014

Stano listed several examples of I/O buses that could be used in disk drives. Outlines four examples that could have listed

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline four resources in a process excecution
2. Different between interrupt and system call as used in operating systems
3. Explain the term context switch as used in operating
4. A lecture described objectives of process scheduling in operating system’s class. Explain two objectives that he could have mentioned
5. Bruce was required to identify the appropriate memory placement techniques for a proposed operating system. Explain Three techniques that he could have considered
6. Outline two types of directory structure in an operating system
7. Explain each of the following terms as used in operating system i)Access right ii)Flags
8. The figure 1 shows layers in computer memory hierarchy. Use it to answer the questions that follows.Describe each of the following layer labelled (i) and (ii).
9. Petro was investigating advantages of memory segmentation in operating system. Explain two advantages that he could have identified
10. Outline two types of file that could be found in operating system
11. Brian intends to back up a file, explain two backup strategies he could use
12. Explain the following terms as used in operating system: (4 marks) (i)bootstrap ii)Firmware
13. Figure 2 shows a typical process model used in operating system, use it to answer the questions that follows:Identify the parts labelled (i), (ii), (ii), iv and (v).
14. Dorothy intends to design an operating system that uses swapping in memory management. Explain two constraints that are likely to be realized
15. Outline three goals of input output module
16. Distinguish between SCAN and C-SCAN disk scheduling algorithms
17. Hope intends to develop a file management for an operating system. Explain two file access methods she should consider
18. With an aid of a diagram in each case, describe each of the file system. (4 marks) (i) single-level directory; (ii) two-level directory
19. Angie was required to investigate the factors that affect the performance of storage disk. Outline four factors that she could have considered
20. Explain each of the following tables as used in memory management: (i) hashed ii) Clustered page
21. Distinguish between long-term and short-term schedulers as used in process management.
22. Loise required to run disk managements utilities during computer maintenance. Explain three examples of utilities she could use
23. Figure 3 shows memory allocation techniques. Use it to answer the questions that follows Explain the memory management techniques depicted above
24. Define the following terms. (i)seek time ii)transfer rate iii)rotational latency
25. Stano listed several examples of I/O buses that could be used in disk drives. Outlines four examples that could have listed
26. File attributes varies from one operating system to another. Outline five examples of these attributes
27. With the aid of a diagram, outline one typical process control block (PCB) diagram as used in operating system
28. Define the term live lock as used in memory management
29. Distinguish between overlying and partitioning as used in memory management
30. Mercy, an intern student was required to discuss example of file operations during job interview. Outline four example that she could have mentioned
31. Sayd company Ltd intends to replace its single-processor operating system. Outline two limitations of the existing operating system that could have influenced the decision
32. Claudius was required to list advantages of dynamic linking in memory management. Explain three advantages that he is likely to have listed
33. Define the term programmable interval timer as used in operating systems
34. Outline four services that could be provided by I/O subsystem kernel
35. Explain four circumstances that would necessitate premature termination of a process execution an operating system
36. With the aid of a diagram, describe the parts of a magnetic disks