
<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT Module 1 Introduction to ICT Past Paper July 2017

Explain each categories of computer system software: (6 marks)
(ii)Multitasking Operating system
(iii)Networking Operating system

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain the term information communication technology as used in computers
2. Describe data preparation as used in data processing
3. State two benefits that an organization gains by using computers
4. Ann`s computers has a memory capacity of 2 Gigabyte. Convert this memory capacity to kilobytes.
5. Differentiate between transposition error and transcription error as used in data processing.
6. Outline two factors to consider when selecting network topology
7. Outline two control measures that should be taken to safeguard computers in a laboratory from theft
8. Describe the fourth generation computers
9. Outline two characteristics of computer viruses
10. Explain the term Trojan as used in ICT
11. Outline an effect of high humidity on computer equipment in a computer laboratory.
12. State two laws contained in the copyright Act
13. Figure 3 an icon on a computer desktop. (i)Identify the icon (ii)Outline the importance of this icon in a computer
14. With the aid of an example, describe job extinction as used in computing
15. Peter has been tasked to acquire output devices. Describe a device that he would choose to prepare each of the following outputs: (a)Display notes on a wall during a conference (b)Maps of region in a county
16. Figure 4 shows a computer interface cable. Use it to answer the question that follows (a)Identify the cable (b)Describe an area where the cable can be used
17. With the aid of an example, describe a magnetic scanner as used in computers
18. Explain each categories of computer system software: (6 marks) (i)Utility (ii)Multitasking Operating system
19. Abdi, a computer technician in college has bought general purpose software for use by member of staff. Explain three advantages and three disadvantages of using general-purpose software
20. Outline the steps followed when installing a computer application software
21. With the aid of an example in each case, explain the following terms: (i)Software piracy; (ii)Plagiarism
22. Explain three data processing methods
23. peter would like to set up a computer network using star topology. Explain the role of each of the following components. (i)Hub (ii)Cables; (iii)Computers.
24. Faida has a chain of supermarket and would like to introduce computers in his operations. Explain two uses of these computers
25. With the aid of example in each case, describe each of the following computer devices:
26. Distinguish between computer hardware and computer software
27. With the aid of an example, describe firmware as used in computers
28. The following is a list of computer software, categorize them as either system software or application software. Ms windows, Ms word, CorelDraw, Norton Antivirus
29. With the aid of a diagram, name the parts of a coaxial network cable
30. Outline two characteristics of modern computers
31. Mary works in an environment where power fluctuate. Explain two ways in which she would safeguard loss of documents created in a computer
32. Allan, a computer technician has five computers and two printers and intends to interconnect them in a network using a bus configuration. With the aid of a diagram describes this configuration