
<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 1 Introduction to ICT and Ethics past paper: July 2019

Sadic company is contemplating replacing the off-the –shelf with tailor made software. Explain three benefits that the company would realize from this move

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Questions List:

1. State two equipment’s other than computers are likely to be found in the ICT department of a typical organization
2. Student use snap-chat to communicate. Outline two challenges they are likely to face
3. Kisima company intends to network all its computers. Explain two disadvantages of this move to the company.
4. Jacky had the following devices in the computer laboratory. Keyboard, printer, plotter, speaker, scanner, mouse, trackball, monitor Classify them as either input or output device
5. Describe the function of plotter
6. A lecturer at Masomo Bora technical is preparing a lesson on the topic Emotions. Explain three positive ways of expressing emotions that could be included in the lesson.
7. Explain three uses of information communication technology in a college
8. i)With the aid of a diagram, describe bus topology ii)State two advantages of the topology described in (i).
9. The management of the Sweet land company intends to use preventive approach to manage conflict among its employees. Explain three methods they could use to achieve this.
10. On a particular day, a secretary performed the following activities in the office. -Opening and reading office email message -Calling friends with office phone -Hosting a relative in the office -Printing internal memo for meeting. Classify each of the activities as either ethical or unethical
11. Outline four physical security measures that a company could implement in their ICT department.
12. Explain three challenges an organization could face when engaging on social responsibility
13. Sadic company is contemplating replacing the off-the –shelf with tailor made software. Explain three benefits that the company would realize from this move
14. Outline four reasons that could lead to unethical behaviors in information communication technology
15. State two roles of each of the following computer personnel: (i)Programmer ii)Database administrator.
16. Goldie company limited developed an ICT policy explain three benefits the company would accrue from this
17. Explain the function of the following computer keyboard keys: (i) Prt Scr ii) Home
18. With the aid of block diagram, describe the functional components of a computer system
19. Kiboko company limited uses an impact printer for printing. Outline challenges the company would face by using such a printer
20. Distinguish between a router and a bridge as used in computing
21. Explain the importance of self-awareness to a college student
22. Bilal company limited has trained its employees on resolving company conflicts. Explain two benefits of this training to the company
23. Distinguish between leasing and outsourcing method of software acquisition
24. The management of Zackies Ltd. Uses information communication and technology legislation in their company. Explain two sources of such legislation
25. State four characteristics of fourth generation computer
26. Faida Co. Ltd has been experiencing a lot of conflicts between workmates. Explain two causes of such conflicts
27. Distinguish between magnetic and optical storage devices giving an example in each case
28. The management of Fre-ex company has a life skills training programme for its staff. Explain three benefits the company would realize from this training
29. Explain two circumstances that would make a student prefer use of LCD monitors to a CRT monitors
30. Outline four characteristic of a super computer
31. Explain each of the following types of conflict resolution: (4 marks) (i) Approach–Approach (ii) Approach –Avoid
32. Describe the term Ergonomics as used in information communication technology
33. Differentiate between micro and mini computers
34. Galnic company has opted to use electronic money to pay its suppliers instead of cash. (i) Explain two benefits the company would realize from this move ii)Outline two challenges the company is likely to face
35. Outline four unethical behaviors that are common to computer technician while executing his duties
36. Pasha, an ICT Manager, intends to buy a software for her organisation. Explain three factors she should consider
37. Titus, a computer user, has been experiencing back pain as a result of using a computer. Outline four precautions that he could take to resolve this
38. Zawadi company is planning to clean up the neighboring town as part of its social responsibility. Explain one importance of this exercise to the company
39. Differentiate between distress and eustress as type of stress