
<=KNEC diploma in ICT module 2: System Analysis and Design past paper July 2017

Dorothy intends to use an open loop control system in a proposed system. Outline four attributes of this loop that could be exhibited in the system

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline the two desirable qualities of a good program code design
2. Outline three reasons that could influence a system designer to use a functional decomposition
3. State two skills expected of a system analyst
4. Differentiate between black-box and grey- box testing methods
5. Clifford intend to use system flow chart to analyze a proposed information system. Outline three symbol that he is likely to use in the chart
6. Irene was required to carry out training on a new system without interfering with the normal operation on the organization. (i) Explain the most appropriate training method he could use ii)Explain two challenges she could experience while using the training method identified in (i).
7. Differentiate between investigation and fact recording as used in feasibility studies
8. Use case diagrams are popular in system analysis. Describe three advantages of the tool that could be influencing this trend
9. Paul wants to use a data dictionary to analyze a proposed information system. Outline four components of this tool
10. A lecturer described roles of system documentation to a SAD class. Describe three roles that he could have mentioned
11. Define the term Net Present Value (NPV) as used in project evaluation
12. Explain two factors that should be considered when creating terms-of-reference during problem identification
13. Petro would like to design a deterministic system for final year project. Explain two typical characteristics that could be exhibited by this type of a system
14. Differentiate between risks and uncertainty as used in project management
15. Tom intends to test a system with modules that were developed and tested separately. (i) Explain the most appropriate testing method that he could use to achieve his goals ii)Explain two methods of carrying out the testing method identified in (i).
16. Describe an expert system as used in information systems
17. State two qualities of a good input form
18. Outline two roles of a super user in an information system
19. Differentiate between face-to-face interview and telephone interview
20. Dorothy intends to use an open loop control system in a proposed system. Outline four attributes of this loop that could be exhibited in the system
21. An organization intends to procure a management information system. Explain three roles of this type of information system
22. Outline two signs of system obsolescence
23. Explain two reasons for replenishing resources in a project
24. True-life company LTD intend to install a new information to replace their entire legacy system as a matter of urgency. Assume you are hired as a system analyst: (i) Identify the most appropriate change over strategy that you could use justifying your answer ii)Explain two possible risks that the company would realize while using the changeover strategy identified in (i).
25. Outline three disadvantages of using waterfall model in system development
26. Describe structured English as used in system design
27. Outline three signs of derailing projects
28. Julie was required to implement various keys in proposed database system. Explain three types of keys that she could have selected.
29. Outline two applications of cloud computing in systems analysis and design
30. With the aid of a symbol, outline each of the following types of nodes in a decision tree; i)chance/event; ii)terminal/edge; (iii)Decision.
31. System project is susceptible to several types of risks. Explain two types of risks that are likely to be experienced
32. An information system project has stakeholder who should do a follow up for its success. Explain four example of such stakeholders
33. Explain two types of system document that could be found in a system development life cycle
34. Explain the term perpetual license as applied in software acquisition
35. S&S company ltd intends to redesign the input form for its information system to allow user capture data easily. (i) Assume that you are hired as consultant; describe the type of maintenance that you would recommend (ii) Explain two precautions that should be considered while using the maintenance method identified in (i).