
<=KNEC diploma in ICT module 2: System Analysis and Design past paper November 2021

Explain the importance of system design

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State four items that could be included in Terms of Reference (TOR) document
2. Differentiate between open and closed system
3. Mark, a system analyst conducted a technical feasibility study for an information system. Describe two requirements he could have considered
4. Jacob developed a database for an information system. Describe two models he could have used to develop the database
5. Describe two methods that could be used to capture data directly into a database
6. Outline four rules followed when drawing data flows in a Data flow diagram
7. Describe two prototyping techniques used during system development
8. Differentiate between limited entry and extended entry decision table
9. Bidii company intends to develop a new information system. Outline four reasons that could have led to this consideration
10. Describe structured system development methodology
11. Explain the importance of system design
12. Describe two stages of system development life cycle (SDLC) that are carried out on a fully developed system
13. Shujaa company generates employees’ payslips using payroll system. The system accepts hours and computes gross pay given the rate as Ksh. 500.00 per hour. The system then stores the information in a payment file. Represent this logic in a system flowchart
14. Explain two limitations of using flowchart to design a system
15. Explain two advantages of decomposing a system into module
16. Techdada, company hired a system analyst. Outline four tasks she is likely to perform
17. Felix created a data dictionary for an information system. Explain the importance of this tool.
18. Outline four physical security measures enforced to secure an information system
19. Differentiate between formative and summative evaluations as used in system review
20. Henry, a system administrator trained users of a new information system. (i) State two categories of such a user. ii)Explain two method of training he could have used
21. Outline four characteristics of a Management Information System (MIS).
22. Differentiate between leasing and outsourcing system acquisition methods
23. A system analyst recommended an addition of new features to an existing system. (i) Identify this type of system maintenance. ii)Outline three reasons that could have led to this recommendation
24. Explain each of the following terms as used in system documentation. (4 marks) (i) User manual ii)Test data
25. Outline four contents of an ICT project initiation document
26. Differentiate between boundary and environment as used in systems
27. Figure 2 depicts organization levels of management. Use it to answer the questions that follows. (i)Outline one information need for each level. (ii)State the types of decisions made at each level
28. Figure 3 shows an entity relationship diagram (ERD) for a library system. Use it to answer the questions that follows. (i)Describe two types of relationships depicted in the figure. (ii)Explain one challenge likely to be experienced when implementing this tool.