
<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 1 Basic Electronics past paper: July 2017 with video(s)

A circuit has a resistance of 60 Ὠ and conductance (G) of
#1.5 times 10^-3# siemens. Determine the :
i)Voltage (V)
ii)Current (I)

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Define each of the following terms as used in basic electronics. i)Electrode ii)Voltaic cell
2. With the aid of a sketch, outline a closed circuit of three capacitors in series (C1,C2,C3) and a voltage supply V.
3. Explain two methods used to encode BCD numbers.
4. Using 2’s complement , evaluate #1011 1111_2#-#1000 0001_2#
5. Determine the octal equivalent for each of the following number systems: i)#EA7_16# ii)#1101 1011_2#
6. Explain each of the following terms as used in BCD i)Floating point ii)Bit
7. Explain how the circuit in figure 1 satisfies the voltage law.
8. Calculate each of the following hexadecimal arithmetic i)ADC + 12E ii)24CB - 111E
9. Table 1 represent a truth table for logic gate. Draw the logic gate and label it appropriately
10. A computer company intended to use the extrinsic semiconductor material to develop some components. Explain two possible applications of the material
11. Explain two limitations of holographic storage
12. Differentiate between volatile and non-volatile computer memories
13. Determine the excess-3 equivalent of the BCD 1001 0110 1000 0000
14. Determine the colour codes for each of the following resistors resistance I)75,000,000,005 ohms or 74,999,999,995 ohms II) 34,000,020 ohms or 34,999,980 ohms
15. Figure 1 shows symbols used for voltage sources .Identify the components labelled I and II
16. Explain two properties that enable conduction of heat by electrons
17. Using BCD, determine 811 + 777, giving the answer in hexadecimal
18. With the aid of a sketch, outline the relationship between voltage, current applied to a resistor in an AC circuit
19. A circuit has a resistance of 60 Ὠ and conductance (G) of #1.5 times 10^-3# siemens. Determine the : i)Voltage (V) ii)Current (I)
20. Simplify each of the following decimal number operations giving your answer in binary equivalent i)74 + 89 ii)#1/8 + 1/2#
21. Outline two patterns of the current flow in a zener diode
22. Differentiate between doped semiconductor and undoped semiconductor materials
23. Table 2 shows truth table. Use the truth table to draw the logic gates used.
24. The lift mechanism is a building is controlled by four doors A, B, C and D. The lift door is open whenever B and D are in the different positions. The lift door is open, on condition that A and C are high. Draw a truth table to represent the information
25. A group of students intend to write a term paper about De morgan’s theorem applied in solving boolean algebra. Outline five reduction techniques they are likely to include in the paper.
26. DVD is one of the secondary memories used popularly to store movies. Explain two reasons for its popularity
27. The potentiometer is used in the development of some appliances. Outline four areas of application of this component.
28. Outline three techniques used for reducing radiation loss in AC circuits.