
<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 1 Basic Electronics past paper: November 2017 with video(s)

A student came across the following terms during an electronics class. Explain each of the terms.
I) Relay logic
II) Integrated circuit

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline four advantages of an alkaline battery
2. Determine the decimal equivalent for each of the following number system i)#5763_8# ii)#3C8F_16#
3. A motor gives an output power of 40kW and operates with an efficiency of 80%. When the constant input voltage to the motor is 400V, determine the constant current supply.
4. With aid of a sketch, describe a pure germanium atom.
5. Explain two applications of nibbles in computers.
6. Figure 1 represent a DC series circuit. Determine the current flow, given R1 (10 ohms), R2 (20 ohms) and R3 (30 ohms) and a voltage of 120V.
7. Evaluate each of the following binary arithmetic i)10101 1111 + 10001 1100 ii)#1100xx1101#
8. Explain two types of binary complements
9. Outline three AC wave form characteristics.
10. Differentiate between magnetic tapes and magnetic disks as used in computers.
11. There is a new trend where light emitting diodes are replacing conventional light bulbs in some applications. Explain two reasons for this trend.
12. A student came across the following terms during an electronics class. Explain each of the terms. I) Relay logic II) Integrated circuit
13. Explain two reasons for using DRAM as primary memory in the computer
14. ROM storage media is one of the memories used in making firmware. Explain two advantages of this media
15. Using karnaugh map represent the values of OR gate.
16. Figure 2 represents a sketch of a resistor. Explain the functions of the bands on the resistor labelled I and II.
17. A diode has a power rating of 10W. when the diode voltage is 1.4V and current of 1.75A: I)Determine the power dissipation II)Establish whether the diode will be destroyed
18. A circuit of 6mA flows in a television resistor R when a potential difference of 12V is connected. Determine the: I)Resistance II)Conductance
19. Simplify each of the following decimal number operations, giving your answer in hexadecimal equivalent: i)774 + 869 ii)22,234 – 13, 345
20. Explain two power sources of DC circuits.
21. Semi-closed fuses are often used in special circuits. Outline three disadvantages of these fuses.
22. Using excess-3, evaluate 811 + 777 , giving the answer in octal.
23. Using reduction techniques, simplify the boolean expression (X+Y)(X+Z)
24. Outline two properties of an atom.
25. Differentiate between NPN transistor and PNP transistor
26. Table 1 represent a truth table for three valves that are controlled by the flow of water. Output = 0, close valve. Use the table to generate the Boolean expression for the output when the valve opens (output = 1).
27. With aid of 3 NAND gates, construct a NOT gate which has two inputs.