
<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 1 Basic Electronics past paper: November 2021 with video(s)

Outline three disadvantages of using floppy disks.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Define each of the following terms as used in basic electronics: i) Magnitude; ii) Transformer; iii) Load; iv) Electron.
2. Explain each of the following terms as used in basic electronics: i) Error codes; ii) NOT gate.
3. Determine the resistance of each of the following resistor’s colour codes: i) Red, black, green, gold; ii) Purple, green, blue, silver.
4. Using one’s complement, work out #11111000_2-1010111_2#
5. Explain two characteristics of Read Only Memory (ROM).
6. Outline four disadvantages of semiconductor components.
7. Convert the following numbers to their gray code equivalent. i) #71_8# ii) #A3_16#
8. Determine the octal equivalent for each of the following number systems. i) #20.6_16# ii) #139_10#
9. Explain each of the following terms as used in number systems: i) Logical shift; ii) Bitmask.
10. With the aid of a diagram, describe the n-type semiconductors.
11. Evaluate the following octal arithmetic. 64#xx#13
12. Differentiate between an ohmmeter and a potentiometer.
13. Explain two circumstances that could necessitate the use of a Zener diode in electronic components.
14. Figure 1 show an AC circuit assembled in the laboratory by a technician. Use it to answer the questions that follow. I. State the function of the parts labelled (i) and (ii). II. Explain two applications of the part labelled (i).
15. Outline three challenges in the emerging trends transistors.
16. Convert the following number systems into their hexadecimal equivalent. I) #1761_8 #II) #11010100_2#
17. Draw of a DC circuit of one resistor in series and two resistors in parallel showing the flow of current.
18. Draw a truth table for the following Boolean expression.
19. List four types of resistors.
20. Explain two disadvantages of DRAM used in computers.
21. Draw the logical circuit for the following equation. F=AB+CD+EF+GH
22. Convert the following numbers into their decimal equivalent. I. #F079_16#; II. #1011.11_2#
23. Outline three disadvantages of using floppy disks.
24. Figure 2 is closed circuit with three capacitors C1(40F), C2(20F), C3(10F) and voltage of 50V. Use it to answer the question that follows. Determine voltage across each capacitor.
25. Students in a basic electronics class intend to discuss the factors that would affect the resistance of a wire conductor. Outline three such factors.
26. Using BCD, evaluate. I. #765_10-331_10# II. #27_10+98_10#
27. List six types of DVD used in computers.
28. Simplify the following Boolean algebra. I) (A+B)(A+C) II) AB+A(B+C)+B(B+C)
29. Differentiate between reverse bias and forward bias as used in semiconductor diodes.
30. Explain two circumstances that would necessitate the use of NAND gates in circuits