
<=KNEC Diploma in ICT Module 1 Operating Systems past paper: July 2019

Define the term segment table as used in operating systems

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline three disadvantages of serial file organization
2. Define the term port as used in I/O devices
3. Access Control Matrix shows the types of access that each user has in a file system. Outline five types of access used in a file system.
4. Outline two typical characteristics of cache memory
5. Differentiate between interrupt handler and interrupt vector as used in I/O communications
6. With the aid of a diagram, describe a page table as used in operating systems.
7. Explain the term compaction as used in memory fragmentation
8. List four factors that should be considered when selecting random access memory (RAM) for a computer, other than cost
9. With the aid of a diagram, describe three states process model in a used in operating system
10. Joan intends to design a job scheduling algorithm. Explain two objectives that should be achieved by the algorithm
11. It is recommended that users change their passwords to guarantee good file management. Outline four circumstances that necessitate this action
12. Outline three resources required in process execution
13. Gerald was required to highlight principles of memory management in operating systems in a job interview. Outline four principles that he could have highlighted.
14. Paul investigated the disadvantages of a contiguous file allocation method. Outline five disadvantages that he could have established
15. File recovery is a critical feature in a file system. Explain two functions of this feature
16. The principle goal of a multiprocessor system is to balance the load between processors. Explain two load balancing strategies used by these systems
17. Explain the term virtual address space (VAS)as used in memory management
18. Differentiate between static and dynamic linking as used in memory management
19. The system timer is important in the multiprogramming of systems. Explain two roles of the timer
20. Tony was required to configure buffering in an operating system that he was installing to a client. Explain three types of buffering he could use
21. A lecturer described different categories of system calls in a lesson on operating systems. Outline four categories of system calls that he could have mentioned.
22. Outline two benefits of a microkernel operating systems
23. Differentiate between blocking and non-blocking I/O
24. Define the term segment table as used in operating systems
25. Explain three limitations of a best-fit memory placement algorithm
26. Patricia was required to describe advantages of distributed operating systems to a client. Describe three advantages that she could have mentioned to the client
27. Figure l shows a cross section of a hard disk. Explain the function of the parts labeled (i) and (ii).
28. Explain two circumstances under which preemptive job scheduling algorithms would be used in operating systems
29. I/O disk read operation involves several interrupts. Explain two typical interrupts that are likely to be used
30. Describe two categories of l/O devices giving two examples in each ease.
31. File sharing technologies have promoted the concept of global village. Explain two file sharing technologies that are used.
32. Explain each of the following terms as used in operating systems: i) shell ii) Thread (i) shell;
33. Doreen discovered that some of her film in her computer were encrypted and her computer prompted her to pay a certain fee through internet in order to decrypt her files. (i)Identify the most appropriate type of attack justifying your answer. (ii)Outline four possible causes for the attack identified in (i).
34. Explain the term spatial locality as used in memory management.
35. Differentiate between long-term scheduler and short-term scheduler.
36. Memory fragmentation is not popular with the modern operating systems. Explain two limitations that could be aiding this trend
37. Outline two functions of device drivers in I/O communication
38. Outline four conditions necessary for deadlock in computing
39. Differentiate between high level and low level formatting as used in storage disks
40. For each of the following scenario, identify the appropriate type of computer memory: (i) highly volatile; (1 mark) - Random access memory (ii) stores firmware; (l mark) - Read Only Memory (ROM) (iii) parts of hard disk addressed as computer memory; (l mark) - Virtual Memory. (iv) very short access time and suitable for storage of frequently used instructions by CPU. (l mar
41. Creation of processes is a fundamental role of operating systems. Explain three ways of creating the processes