
<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 1 Computer Applications I past paper: July 2014

State four file attributes as used in computers

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Distinguish between toggle case and title case as used in word processing package
2. Jerry intends to install a webcam on his computer system. Explain a circumstance that would require the use of the device
3. Janet, a lecturer intends to use the following feature during a CAD lesson: Explain the function of each of the features. (4 marks) (i)Pan (ii)Stretch.
4. Explain each of the following terms as used in financial accounting: (i) Balance sheet; (iii)Trial balance
5. A hospital intends to install an expert system for medical diagnosis. outline four benefits that the hospital is likely to realize from the system.
6. Distinguish between instant online chart and email as used in the internet applications
7. Outline three function of a computer aided manufacture (CAM) in a company that manufactures food products
8. A manufacturing company has introduced a procurement information system to facilitate its purchasing requirements. Explain three advantages of the system
9. Define each of the following terms as used in database system (i) Primary key ii) Form
10. Explain the term conditional formatting as used in spreadsheet programs giving an example of its application
11. State four file attributes as used in computers
12. Office automation has created more employment opportunities than unemployment”, justify the statement using three examples
13. Differentiate between the functions of a line and pline commands as used in CAD
14. Jeremy discovered that his printer worked with other computers but failed to work with his computer. Outline three causes of this problem
15. An income document is a statement prepared by an organization at the end of every financial year. Explain three functions of this document
16. Outline the procedure that could be used to protect a sheet in a spreadsheet program
17. Assuming a database of two tables named A and B, explain the following types of relationships that may exist between them: (i)One-to-many ii)Many-to-Many
18. Explain the circumstances under which each of the following features would be applied in desktop publishing program. (4marks) (i)Template ii)Cropping
19. Explain the function of each of the following utility programs as used in computers; (4marks) (i) Dump i)Editor
20. Janet intends to wrap-text an object in her publication. Describe three types of text wrapping options that she could apply
21. Outline three functions of xrefs feature in computer Aided Drawing
22. Table 1 shows an extract of a payroll created using a spreadsheet program. (i) Using an appropriate function and cell addresses, write a formula to determine the total tax paid by employees whose net salary is more than Ksh. 80,000 (i)Explain the output generated if the following formula is entered in cell A6 (ii)Outline the cell formats used in the worksheet
23. A local international hotel has bought several computers for use in the house keeping department. Outline four possible uses of the computer in the department.
24. Explain the function of a secondary file as used in mail merging
25. Explain the function of each of the following database function as used in spreadsheet program. I.DPRODUCT II.DAVERAGE
26. A politician scientist is using computer system for research. Explain three ways in which the system could be applied for the work
27. Figure 3 is a layout guide for a desktop publishing program. Identify the guides labelled (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
28. Explain the function of each the following disk operating system commands (i) ren e:\Windows\file.text filey.text (ii,) Move c:\june\stock.doc c:\may (iii,) deltree d:\
29. Distinguish between tailored made software and generic software giving an example in each case
30. Define the following terms as used in spreadsheet program. (i)Cell referencing; ii)What-if-analysis
31. Describe the output of each of the following query as used in database system: (2 marks)
32. Outline four aspects that could be addressed by computer ergonomics issues
33. Explain the security risks posed by the use of macros in computers
34. Explain the function of a subscript feature in DTP program giving an example
35. Distinguish between parallel processing and multiprocessing as used in computer application
36. Outline four disadvantages of using of Automatic Teller machine to bank customers