
<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Visual Programming past paper: November 2022

Write a visual basic program that would accept a character through the use of a textbox. The program should then change the background color of the current form based on the captured character color criteria shown in table 1. Use If …Then …Else statements and then attach the code to a command button.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline the function of each of the following tool box features as used in visual basic program: (i)Pointer; (ii)Frame; (iii)Ole.
2. Explain each of the following statements as used in error trapping in a visual basic program: (i)On Error Goto label; (ii)On Error Resume Next; (iii)On Error Goto 0.
3. Explain the function of each of the following IDE interface of a visual basic program: (i)Form window; (ii)Property window; (iii)Form layout window.
4. Write a visual basic program that would accept a character through the use of a textbox. The program should then change the background color of the current form based on the captured character color criteria shown in table 1. Use If …Then …Else statements and then attach the code to a command button.
5. State the visual basic type conversion functions used to convert a string of the following statement in a visual basic program: (i)Boolean data; (ii)Currency; (iii)Date data; (iv)Integer data.
6. State the circumstance that necessitate the use of each of the following statements in a visual basic program: (i)Option Explicit; (ii)With…End with.
7. Distinguish between a Do…while loop and Do…loop While statements as used in visual basic program. Give a syntax in each case
8. The vertical height(h) in meters of a particle project is vertically upward with an initial velocity of 100m/s with respect to time(t) is obtained using the formula h=100t+4.9t^2. Write a visual basic program that would prompt a user to enter the time(t) using inputBox function. The program should the use a function to compute the height in meters and display the results in a picture box.
9. Outline four methods used in a form in a visual basic program
10. State two differences between an argument and a parameter as used in a visual basic program
11. Explain the function of each of the following data report control in a visual basic program: i.rptlabel; ii.rptfunction.
12. Figure 1 shows a visual basic form with data control named dtaPhoneBook used to access a phone database. Use it to answer the question that follows. Write a visual basic program for the delete event that should be able to check the existence of a record and then delete it from database. The program should then display appropriate message and corresponding icons. (8 marks)
13. Explain two properties of a text box control that must be set to enable it interact with a database file in a visual basic program
14. Outline the function of each of the following datagrid properties in a visual basic program. (i)AllowArrows; (ii)AllowDelete; (iii)ColumnHeaders; (iv)HeadLines
15. State a circumstance under which each of the following statements are used in a visual basic program: (i)ReDim; (ii)Option base; (iii)Preserve.
16. Total sales made in a period of 5 years is required to be computed. Write a visual basic program that would capture each annual sale value in a text box and assign the values to an array. The program should then use the values in the array to compute the total sales and display the result on a label. Attach the code to a command button.
17. Outline the functions of each of the following methods of a recordset as used in a visual basic program: (i)Synchronize; (ii)rowstatus; (iii)edit; (iv)update
18. Explain the term function call as used in visual basic programming language
19. Classify each of the following visual basic operators as either assignment operator, or comparison operator or arithmetic operators. (4 marks) ^ < > Mod /= IsNot *=
20. Explain the function of the following features in a menu editor of a visual program: (i)separator bars; (ii)Access keys; (iii)Shortcut keys.
21. Outline four controls that may enable a user to make a choice from a list of data in a visual basic program
22. Explain the circumstance under which each of the following methods may be used to retrieve data in a visual basic program. (4 marks) i.Snapshot data object; ii.Database data object;
23. Figure 3 shows a startup of a visual basic program. Use it to answer the questions that follows; Explain the functions of each of the options labelled (i),(ii) and (iii).
24. Table 2 shows the rates used to award commission to workers based on the sales made by each salesperson. Use it to answer the questions that follows: Write a visual basic program that would accept the sales through the use of an input box. The program should then compute the commission and output the results in a message box. Use a select case control structure and attach the code to a command but
25. Explain the circumstance that may necessitate the occurrence of each of the following error in a visual basic program. (6 marks) (i)Overflow (ii)Object required; (iii)Property set not permitted
26. Study the following visual basic program and use it to answer the questions that follows: (i)Interpret each of the following statements labelled (i) and (ii) in the program (ii)State the expected output in picture box control named picture1 in the program
27. Write a visual basic program that uses dynamic array to store values entered through the use of an input box function. If a negative number is entered, it is stored and the program terminates. Use Do…loop while and attach the code to a command button
28. Outline four uses of the data manager in a visual program
29. Distinguish between Step over and step into as used in visual basic programming language
30. Explain a circumstance under which each of the following visual basic program features would be used: (i)Immediate window; (ii)Quick watch (iii)Watch windows.
31. The following is a run time extract of a visual basic program used to display cumulative sum of integers from 1 to 100. Write a visual basic program to display the output as it appears in figure 4. Use Do…loop and use the tab function to separate