
<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module I: Introduction to ICT past paper November 2016

State two differences between software and hardware

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Questions List:

1. State two differences between software and hardware
2. Deco Company intends to acquire computers to be used in the offices. Explain two ways in which these computers could be classified
3. Define the term hard disk as used in computers
4. Outline three factors to be considered when selecting a hard disk for purchase.
5. 4.State the components within the CPU that handles each of the following task. a)Addition and subtraction. b)Temporarily stores the answers from arithmetic and logical operations before processing. c)Coordinates all the activities of the processor. d)Carries out logical operations.
6. Differentiate between second and fourth generation computers in terms of the technology they used.
7. A technician in a computer laboratory noted that three computers were not functioning and needed to open them to confirm the source of the problem. a)Outline two precautions that the technician must observe when opening the computer. b)Explain one way in which he can ensure safety of the data in the affected computers.
8. State the category of the application software suitable for each of the following, giving an example in each case. a)Store, retrieve and manage large sets of data; b)Arrange data in rows and columns for manipulation with the calculations
9. Explain a circumstance that would prompt an institution to set up each of the following computer networks. a)Local Area Network. b)Wide Area Network.
10. State the function of an antistatic wrist strap as used in computer maintenance.
11. State three considerations to be made before installing software on a computer system.
12. Explain one purpose of a Network Interface Card (NIC) on a computer network.
13. Outline two benefits of using a client/server configuration in a Local Area Network
14. With the aid of a block diagram, describe the functional organization of a computer.
15. Jane, a secretary at a company XYZ needs to prepare a document on the computer and present it both in hard and soft copy in a meeting. i)State two input devices and two output devices that would enable her meet her objectives. ii)State three devices that she can use to store her documents.
16. Hekima college has opted to set up a computer network based on star topology technology. Outline two benefits that the college will achieve from the use of the topology.
17. With the aid of a diagram, describe the star topology
18. Explain how the college would use each of the following network transmission media; (4mks) i)Unshielded twisted pair cable (UTP); ii)Fibre Optic Cable.
19. Explain the purpose of a terminator in bus topology network
20. a) Delight is a new company where the management intends to acquire software to be used in its information processing. Describe giving an example in each case how they would use each of the following; i)operating Systems. ii)utility program. iii)Language translation. b) Outline three factors that the company should consider during the acquisition of the software.
21. Differentiate between antivirus and firewall software as used in computers.
22. Explain two ergonomics factors to consider when using a computer.
23. With the aid of a diagram, explain the concept of data hierarchy in data processing.
24. Describe one situation where you would apply each of the following computer data processing methods i)Interactive processing. ii)Transaction processing.
25. c) Alex opted to use a computer tablet in carrying out his college assignment instead of using college computers in the computer laboratory. Outline: i)Two advantages this approach offers; ii)Two challenges of this approach.
26. A business organization recently introduced the use of ICT in managing its transactions. Outline; i)three positive impacts of using ICT in the business; ii)two challenges that the organization is likely to experience with the use of ICT in business.
27. Explain the activity carried out in each of the following stages of data processing life cycle. i)Output and interpretation; ii) Storage.
28. Explain the term computer crime.
29. Describe each of the following ethical issues in ICT: i)Plagiarism; ii)Technology manipulation.