
<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Database Management System past paper: November 2017

Explain each of the following terms as used in databases. (4 marks)
i)Data definition language.
(ii)Database catalogue.

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Questions List:

1. Explain each of the following terms as used in databases. (4 marks) i)Data definition language. (ii)Database catalogue.
2. Table 1 is an extract from a database. Use it to answer the questions that follows. Write an algebraic expression to: i)Display the nationalID, FarmerName for all farmers who earns a bonus of less than 25000; (3 marks) ii)Rename the table farmer to the farmer details, the columns NationalID to ID and FarmerName to Fname. (3 marks) iii)Display the average bonus earned by the farmers
3. Explain two circumstances that may prompt an organization to implement a centralized database
4. Distinguish between one to one and one to many cardinality as used in databases.
5. State the database users who perform each of the following tasks: (2 marks) i)Interacts with databases systems without using programs. ii)interacts with a database through previously created programs
6. Study the following narratives and use it to answer the questions that follows. A car insurance company has customers. The customer can be identified by the identification number, name and location. The customer can own one or more cars and can buy one or more insurance premiums. Each car has been associated with one or more accidents. A car can be identified by the registration number, model and
7. Explain two limitation of the file based database approach
8. Distinguish between commit and rollback statements as used in SQL
9. Explain each of the following SQL statements I.)Drop table Users Restrict; II) Drop table Users Cascade;
10. Explain each of the following terms as used in distributed database system: (4 marks) i)Partitioned tables ii)Replicated tables.
11. With the aid of example, distinguish between the term relation and relation schema as used in databases
12. John, a database administrator has been experiencing challenges manipulating data stored in a database. Explain three ways in which data normalization can resolve some of the challenges
13. Outline the functions of the Cartesian product as used in algebraic expression.
14. Define the term file server as used in client server database
15. Describe two components of a database
16. Table 2 is an Employee table represented in 1NF. Use it to answer the question that follow Represent the table in its 3NF
17. Using an example in each case, explain the following operator as used in relational algebra; i)Union; ii)Intersection. iii)Difference
18. Distinguish between the physical and logical stages of the databases life cycle
19. Explain two functions of the database Administrator in a database environment;
20. Explain the use of “Grant select on projects to User1” SQL statement when applied in a database
21. Table 3 is an extract from a database. Use it to answer the question that follows Write the SQL statements to perform each of the following’ (i)Display StudentID, StudentName for all students whose courseID is C240. (ii)Determine the total marks for the students named Agnes and store the results in a field named TotalMarks; (iii)Display the lowest marks scored for the CourseID is C236.
22. Describe each of the following types of functional dependency;(4 marks) i)Fully functional; ii)Transitive.
23. Outline two concurrency controls applied in database management systems
24. State two differences between object oriented and relational database models.
25. Define the term SQL injection as used in databases
26. Table 4 is an extract from a database. Use it to answer the question that follows; Write an SQL statement that would perform each of the following; \ I)Display all records from the table with records having status IN and arrange them based on the field name BookCategory in descending order; (3 marks) II) Remove all records with bookID labelled B02001 from the table; (2 marks)
27. Explain two ways in which an organization can cope with challenges that arise from database emerging technologies
28. Define each of the following terms as used in databases. (3 marks) i)authorization; ii)authentication
29. Explain two circumstances that would prompt an organization to use a special purpose database
30. Distinguish between a composite key and a compound key as used in databases
31. Table 5 shows the structure of a table named Car. Use it to answer the question that follows: Write a SQL statement that would perform each of the following; i)Create the table Car with the relevant fields; (3 marks) ii)Make CarID the primary key; (3 marks) iii)Add field Make and Price that stores 30 characters and numbers respectively
32. Define the term database security as used in databases
33. Explain two ways in which the roles of a databases designer compliment that of a database developer
34. Table 6 and 7 are extract from a database. Use the to answer the questions that follows; i)State an appropriate datatype for the field named gradeName. (1 marks) ii)Write SQL statement to perform each of the following: I)Display the LecturerNo, LecturerName and Salary of all the lecturers with GradeName “Assistant Lecturer”. (3 marks) II)Display the LectureNo, GradeID and Salary for all lecturer
35. Jane intends to commence the requirement gathering phase for the development of a database management system in her organization. Outline two reasons why we should consider each of the following during the phase. i)Reviewing of existing organization documentation. (2 marks) ii)Understand the current operating environment