
<= KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Sales and Marketing past paper July 2021

Highlight four external sources of new product ideas

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State four personality traits of a successful salesperson
2. Highlight four external sources of new product ideas
3. Explain two limitation of market segmentation
4. Outline four tasks that are carried out by a sales person in the course of duty
5. Outline four circumstances under which a short chain of distribution may be appropriate for an organization
6. State four consumer promotional tools that a sales person may employ to stimulate quick market response
7. Explain two factors that are responsible for the growth of the modern concept of marketing
8. Identify four types of consumer buying patterns
9. State four Cs of a marketing mix that have been derived from the original four Ps
10. Outline four causes of adverse sales volume variance in an organization
11. Explain the stages of the product life cycle.
12. Prolyx Limited has adopted a policy of changing product package periodically. Explain three objectives that the firm aims to achieve through such policy
13. Outline four roles performed by channels of distribution
14. Explain five benefits that an organization may derive from pursuing the market oriented business approach.
15. Outline the steps involved in the buying process
16. Explain five criteria that should be satisfied for market segmentation to be effective
17. Some firms have adopted the use of internet to achieve marketing objectives. Explain five benefits that the firm may derive from this approach
18. Explain four reasons that support the skimming price policy for a product in its introduction stage
19. Explain four circumstances under which sales promotion may be appropriate in marketing
20. Outline four factors that may determine the size of sales territory allocated to a sales person
21. Explain five function of the marketing department in an organization
22. Differentiate between the following marketing concepts: (i) the production concept (ii) The product concept
23. Explain three trends in the economic environment that may negatively affect the purchasing power of customers in a market