
<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Human Relations past paper July 2019

Outline four ways in which employees may contribute to poor human relations in an organization

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State four limitations of a bureaucratic system of organization
2. Outline four ways in which employees may contribute to poor human relations in an organization
3. Identify four stages in group formation process
4. In relation to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, outline four ways in which management may meet the esteem needs of employee
5. State four consequences of interpersonal conflicts in an organization
6. Highlight four leadership behaviour associated with the path goal theory of leadership
7. Explain two circumstances under which the job may be a source of stress for an employee
8. Outline four levels of an employee participation in management
9. State four indicators of employee frustration at the workplace
10. Distinguish between personality and attitude
11. Explain four reasons that make it necessary for an organization to engage in public relations activities
12. Explain three assumptions of theory Y according to McGregor’s two factor theory of motivation
13. Explain three personality traits that may enables an employee to overcome frustrations
14. Explain four factors may positively influence employee morale in organization
15. Certain factors make work committee ineffective as a form of employee participation in management. Explain four such factors
16. outline four duties of a group leader
17. Explain five challenges that an organization may face as a result of having a stressed workforce
18. Explain five factors that may enhance group cohesiveness in an organization
19. The level of interpersonal conflicts at Zama limited has been rising in the recent past. Explain five ways in which the management may have contributed to this situation
20. Explain five negative effects of social media on human relations in an organization
21. An individual’s self-concept is determined by certain factors. Outline four such factors
22. Explain four ways in which managers may improve their leadership abilities
23. Outline four characteristics of the Autocratic style of leadership