
<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Human Relations past paper July 2018

Explain five factor that may influence the effectiveness of a leader in an organization

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline four indicators of low morale among employees in an organization
2. Explain two reasons that may make employees to form attitudes
3. Outline four characteristics of a group at formation stage
4. Explain each of the following types of organizational conflicts: (a) Interpersonal conflicts; (b) Intrapersonal conflicts
5. Outline four circumstances under which an individual employee may contribute to work related stress
6. State four personal attributes of a good leader.
7. There certain objective that organization aim to achieve through employee participation in management. state four such objectives
8. State four factors that may cause frustrations among employees in an organization
9. Highlight four components of human relations
10. State four factors that may influence social stratification
11. Explain five features of a bureaucratic organization
12. Explain five factor that may influence the effectiveness of a leader in an organization
13. Explain five challenges that an organization may face as a result of operating with a demotivated workforce
14. Explain five reasons that may make employees to join groups
15. Explain two circumstances under which employee’s attitude may have a positive effect on behavior
16. Explain five positive effects of conflict in an organization
17. Outline three features of the Sigmund Freud’s theory of personality
18. Pont limited intends to introduce a motivation programme for its employees. Explain five factors that should be considered when designing this programme
19. Highlight five organizational factors that may lead to stress among employees
20. Highlight four circumstances under which the Autocratic leadership style may be appropriate to use in an organization
21. Employees participation in management at Soki limited has not been effective. Explain four reasons that may have led to this situation
22. Outline four ways in which employees may react to frustration at the workplace