
<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Human Relations past paper July 2017

Identify the level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs giving an example in each case (Level of hierarchy).

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline four benefits that may accrue to an organization that embraces a bureaucratic system governance
2. Distinguish between perception and value as used in human relations
3. State four work related factors that may lead to stress in an employee
4. Highlight four features of an effective work group
5. In relation to conflicts resolutions, differentiate mediation from arbitration
6. State four ways in which servant leadership may be demonstrated in an organization
7. Outline four factors that may hinder effective delegation of duties in an organization
8. State four indicators of a frustrated workforce
9. Woman at workplace are increasingly taking management positions in organizations. Highlight four challenges that such managers may face
10. State four ways through which a manager of an organization may cause low employee morale.
11. State four measures that an employee of an organization may take to minimize work related stress
12. Explain four ways in which conflicts may positively impact on an organization
13. Explain four reasons that make it necessary to use group when solving problem in an organization
14. Outline four benefits that may be associated with involving employees in the management of an organization
15. Explain four measures that the management of an organization may take to prevent inter-group conflicts
16. Explain four functions of the public relations department in an organization
17. Identify the level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs giving an example in each case (Level of hierarchy).
18. In relation to Hertzberg’s two factor theory, highlight five factors that may contribute to employees’ satisfaction
19. Explain five strategies that the management of an organization may adopt to enhance employees’ positive attitude toward change
20. Explain four reasons that makes it necessary for managers to understand the area of personality
21. Explain the meaning of the term group as used in human relations
22. Explain five factors that may enhance group formation in an organization
23. Outline six factors that may determine employees’ attitude in an organization
24. Highlight six skills that a good leader should possess
25. Explain four ways in which employees may react to work-related frustrations