
<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Human Relations past paper July 2016

State six sources of interpersonal conflicts in an organization

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain each of the following terms as used in the context of the work place: (a) Human relation (b) Group
2. Explain two reasons that make it necessary for a manager of an organization to understand individual difference among employees
3. Distinguish the managerial role based on the McGregor’s theory X and theory Y.
4. Identify four secondary traits of a good leader
5. Identify four emotional factors that may lead to resistance to change by employees of an organization
6. Outline four job related causes of stress among employees in an organization
7. Explain four circumstances under which conflicts may be considered desirable in an organization
8. Outline four features of bureaucracy
9. State two difference between value and attribute
10. State four signs of frustrations in an employee
11. Highlight four challenges that management of an organization may face when involving employees in management.
12. Outline four reasons that may be attributed to low morale employees of an organization
13. State six sources of interpersonal conflicts in an organization
14. The management of Biko company limited has noted increased negative attitude among employees. Explain three guidelines that may be followed to change this attitude
15. Explain three measures that the management of an organization may take to build successful teams
16. Outline six personal strategies that an employee may adopt to manage stress
17. Explain four factors that may determine the type of leadership adopted in an organization
18. Explain the meaning of each of the following terms as used in human relations; (i) motivation; (ii) perception
19. Explain four measures that a manager may take to minimize job-related frustrations among employees
20. Informal groups are inevitable in organization. Explain four guidelines that the manager may follow to influence such groups
21. Explain four benefits that an organization may derive from motivating its employees
22. Explain two factors that make positive personality an important aspect in an individual
23. Explain the way each of the following principles of management may be applied in an organization. (i) Scalar chain; (ii) unity of direction (iii) equity (iv) Espirit de corps
24. Explain the reason that makes each of the following principles of organization important: (i) principles of specialization; (ii) Principles of delegation
25. Explain four measures that employees may take to enhance their personality
26. Managers are increasingly involving in employee’s decision making. Explain four reasons that may account for this trend