
<=KNEC Diploma in Human Resource Management Module II: Public Relations past paper July 2019

Highlight five circumstances under which an organization may find it appropriate to change its corporate identity

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline five ways in which a public relations manager may enhance good human relations in an organization
2. The public relations department in an organization is established to perform certain functions. Highlight five such functions
3. Outline five sources of information that may be used evaluate a public relations programme in an organization
4. Highlight five disadvantages of using the television as a media for public relations
5. Explain five challenges that an organization may face from sourcing public relations services from a consultancy firm
6. Outline five measures that an organization may put in place to ensure effective handling of a crisis
7. Explain five reasons that make it necessary for an organization to carry out public relations research
8. Highlight five circumstances under which an organization may find it appropriate to change its corporate identity
9. Describe the steps that should be followed when formulating a public relations plan
10. Outline four limitations of using the observation method to collect data during public relations research
11. Use of the internet as a media for public relations has increased in the recent past. Explain five reasons that may account for this trend
12. Outline five ways in which an organization may benefit from being ethical when carrying out public relations activities
13. Highlight five factors that determine the nature of public relations activities that an organization may undertake
14. Outline five provisions of the public relations code of professional conduct in regard to practitioners conduct towards the public