
<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Principles and Practice of Management past paper July 2016

Explain three ways in which heavy investment in technology affect the structure of an organization

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain two benefits of effective coordination to an organization
2. Explain two methods through which employees may get separated in their working place
3. Explain two criticisms that have been leveled against Max Weber’s theory of Bureaucracy
4. Outline four channels that are available for conveying upwards information in an organization
5. Outline four advantages of the matrix organizational structure
6. Explain two factors that make motivation a difficult task for managers
7. Outline four factors that the management should consider when deciding on the type of corporate social activities to engage in
8. Most employees at Devac Limited are unable to meet their performance target, outline four possible causes of such deviations
9. Explain two skills that a successful manager should possess
10. Explain two reasons that make it important to have a professional code of ethics in the food industry
11. Explain four measures that may be adopted to make job evaluation programme successful in an organisation.
12. Outline four advantages of the systems approach to management
13. Explain four reasons that have led to growth in the importance of communication in modern organizations
14. Explain four circumstances under which the piece wage system may be suitable
15. Explain three semantic barriers to effective communication
16. Explain three ways in which heavy investment in technology affect the structure of an organization
17. Most large organization experience a problem of coordination. Explain four causes of these problems
18. Explain four barriers to planning
19. The management of bright Limited has introduced on incentive plan to motivate employees. Explain four negative consequences that may be associated with the incentive plan
20. Explain the factors that may influence the achievement of high ethical standard among employees in an organization
21. Explain five features of an effective control system
22. Outline four ways in which a company can demonstrate social responsibility for the community in which it operates
23. Explain four reasons that may make it necessary for managers to delegate authority
24. Explain four ways in which proper planning contribute to effective management