
<=KNEC Diploma in ICT Module III: Management Information Systems past paper November 2017

Computer users sometimes engage in unethical use of information in the course of duty. Explain three such unethical behavior.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Distinguish between a master file and a transaction file as used in computer systems
2. Explain three advantages of using database management systems in an organization
3. Describe each of the following as applied in project management. i) Optimistic time; ii) Most likely time; iii) Pessimistic time.
4. PERT is used to review the progress of projects during project management. Explain two limitations of this technique.
5. Define the term early warning mechanism as used in management information systems.
6. The questionnaire is a method used for data collection. Explain three disadvantages of using this method during data collection
7. Dorothy intends to design user documentation for the program she developed. Explain three qualities of such documentation that she should consider
8. Most organizations require their new employees to be trained on the use of management information systems as part of employee orientation. Explain three reasons for this type of training
9. Define the term milestone as used in project management
10. Explain a circumstance that would necessitate a systems analyst to recommend each of the following types of system maintenance: i) Corrective maintenance; ii) Perfective maintenance; iii) Adaptive maintenance.
11. Most organizations have their management information systems connected to a Local Area Network. Explain three benefits such organizations are likely to enjoy
12. Capita Company intends to use the parallel changeover method to implement its new information system. i) Explain two advantages of this method to the company; ii)Explain one disadvantage of using this method
13. Outline four ways in which a transaction processing system improves operation in an organization.
14. Managers rely on decision support systems to assist in decision making. Describe three components of this system
15. Implementations of information systems in organizations may sometimes fail. Explain three measures that could be taken to prevent such failures
16. Management information systems could be classified according to the type of support provided. Describe this type of classification.
17. Outline four features of executive information system
18. Describe each of the following types of systems: i) Office automation system; ii) GIS; iii) Virtual reality.
19. Distinguish between structured and unstructured decisions.
20. Debris Company has installed a biometric system to control access to its office. Explain three examples of biometric data that could be used in such systems
21. Information technology has been considered as an agent of organizational change. Explain three ways in which it has been applied to bring about this change.
22. The following features describe a certain method used during procurement method process in an organization. Use them to answer the questions that follow: - There is only one person or entity who can supply the goods or service being procured - There is no reasonable alternative or substitute for goods or service. - There is an urgent need for the goods or services being procured.
23. Explain two reasons that would necessitate an organization to embrace cloud computing technology in their operations
24. Describe the decision making process, using the Herbert Simons’ model
25. Explain two reasons for managing information resources
26. Computer users sometimes engage in unethical use of information in the course of duty. Explain three such unethical behavior.
27. Distinguish between a hacker and a cracker as used in computer crime
28. With the aid of a diagram, outline the steps involved in information system planning
29. Define the term guarantee as applied in management information systems
30. Management information systems assist many organizations in marketing their products and services. Explain three ways in which an information system can be used to achieve this.
31. Computers are prone to attacks by viruses from various sources. Outline three types of computer viruses.
32. Outline three ways of protecting computer systems against such viruses.
33. The management of a certain company has acquired a new management information system for use and some staff are resisting this move. Other than training, explain three measures the company could adopt to minimize the resistance