
<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 1 Operating Systems past paper: July 2018

Jameni company uses a time sharing operating system for its operation. Outline three features of this system

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. The computer process can be either CPU bound or I/O bound. Explain one disadvantage of each of these modes of operation
2. Explain three disadvantages of a FAT file system
3. Outline two advantages of using multiprocessor systems
4. Explain a circumstance where shortest job first scheduling algorithm could be applied in the process management
5. Outline four functions of the operating system
6. Explain the function of each of the following utility program. (i) Disk defragmenter; (ii) Disk cleanup
7. Explain each of the following terms as applied in memory management. i)pipe ii)deadlock
8. Explain two examples of computer terminals as used in computer system
9. Distinguish between physical and logical addresses as applied in memory management
10. Explain a circumstance that would necessitate each of the following types of defragmentation to occur in memory partition: (a) External; (b) Internal
11. List four examples of operating system currently in the market.
12. Explain the concept of context switch as applied in process management
13. List six examples of navigational keys of the qwerty keyboard
14. Ruth intends to assign file attributes to a file in a database. Explain three attributes that she could assign to a file.
15. The operating system applies different ways in order to improve disk performance. Explain three of this ways.
16. Outline four file management operations of the operating system
17. Distinguish between short term scheduler and long term scheduler as applied in operating system
18. Joel found a computer in the computer room that had only an operating system installed in it. Outline four accessories of the operating system he could use
19. Describe interface metaphor as used in operating system, giving four examples
20. Distinguish between maskable and non maskable interrupts as applied in operating system
21. Job intends to compile report on the computer visual display units. Outline four examples that he could include in the report
22. Explain the following file path, giving examples in each case. (i) relative path; (ii) absolute path
23. Jacob a system administrator intends to control access to an organization operating system. Explain the logical measures he could use in place to an operating system
24. Explain each of the following terms as used in operating system: (i) circular wait; (ii) race condition.
25. Jameni company uses a time sharing operating system for its operation. Outline three features of this system
26. With aid of a diagram, describe swapping as applied in memory management
27. Describe each of the following scheduling algorithms; (i) pre emptive; (ii) non pre emptive
28. Outline the function of the following keyboard keys: (i) PrtScn (ii) Insert
29. Figure 1 shows a type scheduling algorithms. Use it to answer the questions that follows Given that the processes have equal burst; (i) Identify the scheduling algorithm in figure 1. (1 marks) (ii) Explain the advantage of the scheduling algorithm identified above