
<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Principles and Practice of Management past paper July 2017

Explain four essential requirements of a sound budgetary control system in an organization

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain the following principles of management: (a) Stability of tenure; (b) Unity of command.
2. State four factors that may lead to failure to the management work plan
3. Explain two advantages of the functional organizational structure
4. In relation to control system, explain the difference between cybernetic controls and non-cybernetic controls
5. State four causes of poor industrial relations in an organization
6. Outline four ways in which the superiors may hinder communication in an organization
7. Outline four personal qualities that may promote the success of a managers
8. Identify four components of the internal environment of a business
9. Explain two indicators to effective coordination in an organisation
10. In relation to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model, outline four feature of physiological needs
11. State four decisional roles performed by a manager
12. Explain four criticisms that are leveled against the classical theory of management
13. Explain three reasons that make committee unpopular as decisions making tools
14. Explain five circumstances under which a manager may find it appropriate to use written communication
15. Organization incur heavy expenditure on the function of planning. Explain five reasons that may justify such expenditure
16. Explain four advantages that an organization may derive from filling its vacant position from external source
17. Explain four reasons that may account for the adoption of the matrix organization structure in an organization
18. Outline four factors that the management of an organization should consider when choosing the social responsibility activities to engage in
19. Explain four essential requirements of a sound budgetary control system in an organization
20. Explain four challenges that limit the effectiveness of coordination in an organization
21. Outline four reasons that have led to widespread retrenchment of employees in the recent past
22. State four measures that may be taken to motivate employee in the workplace
23. Explain four rules that should be observed in order to make effective use of money as a motivator
24. Outline four ethical standards and practices for managers in an organization