
<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Principles and Practice of Management past paper July 2018

Highlight four activities that are involved in the organizing function

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline four limitations of a top level management in an organization
2. State four limitations of bureaucracy as advanced by Max Weber
3. Outline four ways in which an organization may enhance ethical standards among its employees
4. State four characteristics of good organizational objectives
5. Highlight four activities that are involved in the organizing function
6. Describe the steps that are followed in the control process in a food establishment
7. Highlight four types of leadership style in accordance with managerial Grid theory of leadership
8. Outline the assumption of McGregor’s motivation theory Y.
9. State four types of tests that may be administered during selection process in an organization
10. Outline four economic factors that may influence the operations of a business organization
11. Explain five differences between a manager and a leader
12. Explain five reasons that make it necessary for an organization to engage in corporate social responsibility
13. Outline four factors that may hinder effective implementation of plans in an organization
14. Explain five benefits that an organization may derive from adopting the functional organization structure
15. In relation to the expectancy model of motivation, outline the rules that manager should observe to achieve positive behavior reinforcement in an organization
16. Explain three measures that management should take to ensure effective coordination in an organization
17. Distinguish between job enlargement and job enrichment
18. Explain the negative effects of control systems in an organization
19. Explain five non-monetary incentives that may be used to motivate employees in a food establishment
20. Explain five circumstances under which face-to-face communication may be appropriate to use in an organization
21. Explain five reasons that make it necessary for an organization to carry out human resource planning
22. Explain three factors that may influence the ethical standards of an individual employee
23. The proprietor of food establishment has been termed unethical by some of his customers. Outline four potential practices that may have led to such accusations