
<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Principles and Practice of Management past paper July 2019

Explain five benefits that an organization may derive from effective coordination of activities

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Highlight four factors in the external environment that may affect the operations of an organization.
2. State four types of organization structures that may be adopted by business enterprise
3. State four leadership behaviors that are associated with the Path Goal Theory of leadership
4. With reference to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, outline four ways in which the manager may meet the safety needs of employees.
5. Explain four conditions necessary for effective collective bargaining at the workplace
6. Outline four criticism labeled against the scientific management principle as advocated by Fredrik Taylor
7. State four causes of the unethical behavior among managers in an organization
8. Outline four benefits that an organization may derive from accurate forecasting
9. State four activities that manager should undertake in order to accomplish his informational role in an organization
10. Outline four features of an effective budgetary control system
11. Explain five personal traits that may hinder the success of a manager in an organization
12. Explain five benefits that an organization may derive from formally laying down the objectives that it seeks to achieve
13. Explain four reasons that make some managers reluctant to carry out the planning function
14. Explain five benefits that an organization may derive from effective coordination of activities
15. Outline four limitations of the autocratic leadership style
16. Explain five reasons that may account for the increased popularity of email communication in most organization
17. Explain five factors that may determine the salary level paid to employees in an organization
18. Teke limited is in the process designing a motivation package for its employees. Explain five factors that the organization should consider during this undertaking
19. Explain five reasons that make it necessary to carry out job evaluation
20. Some subordinates are reluctant to take up tasks delegated by their superiors. Explain five factors that may account for this reluctance
21. Outline four community –related activities that an organization may undertake as part of its corporate social responsibility
22. Explain three category of managerial skills that a manager should possess