
<=KNEC Diploma in Human Resource Management Module II: Theory and Practice of Human Resource Management past paper July 2013

It is important for very staff member to participate in ensuring a safe work environment in an organization. Explain the five reasons that make it necessary

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain the ways in which an organization may effectively manage involuntary employee turn-over
2. Outline five ways through which a human resource manager may determine the extent to which a safety policy is adhered to in an organization
3. In the course of routine employees counselling session, a human resource manager specialist may observe certain signs that can be used to identify a potential counselling situation. Highlight five such signs
4. Explain five indirect welfare benefits that an organization may offer to its employees
5. Outline five benefits that an organization may derive from developing an effective merit plan for its employees
6. Highlight five methods that a human resource manager may use to appraise the performance of employee in an organization
7. Explain five factors that may cause work-related stress among employees in an organization
8. Soma Enterprise has organized training programme for its employee. explain five ways in which the trainer may enhance the effectiveness of the program
9. It is important for very staff member to participate in ensuring a safe work environment in an organization. Explain the five reasons that make it necessary
10. Human resource managers in international companies may face certain challenges. Outline such five challenges
11. Highlight five reasons that make it necessary for an organization to provide welfare facilities to its employees
12. Explain five external factors that may influence employee’s remunerations in an organization
13. Human resource managers are likely to make certain errors when carrying out performance appraisal. Highlight five such errors
14. Explain the benefit that an international business firm may obtain from staffing its operations with expatriates