
<=KNEC Diploma in Human Resource Management Module II: Theory and Practice of Human Resource Management past paper July 2015

Highlight five measures that the management of an organization may put in place to ensure the health of its employees at the workplace

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain five benefits that may accrue to an organization that adopt the performance based remuneration system for its employees
2. Highlight five ways in which the management of an organisation may prepare its employee for retirement
3. Outline five measures that a human resource manager may take to eliminate the halo-effect while carrying out employee performance appraisal
4. Give five reasons that make it necessary for an organization to provide welfare facility to its employee
5. Explain five benefits that an organization may get from providing counselling services to its employees
6. Highlight five measures that the management of an organization may put in place to ensure the health of its employees at the workplace
7. Outline five factors that a human resource manager should consider when developing a training programme for employees in an organization
8. Give five reasons that make it necessary for a human resource manager to carry out a job evaluation exercise in an organization
9. The management of Zuri ltd has established different welfares facilities for the different categories of employees in the organization. Explain five challenges that the organization may face as a result of such arrangement
10. Outline five features that should be incorporated in the development of health programme for employees in an organization.
11. Highlight five circumstances under which a trainer may find it appropriate to use the lecture method of training employees in an organization
12. Certain grounds on which an employee can be discharged from employment may be considered unfair. Explain five such grounds
13. Describe the procedure that should be followed when conducting performance appraisal on employees in an organization
14. The human resource manager at Tats Co. Ltd is in the process of selecting a manager for an international position. Outline four factors that should be considered when deciding on the appropriate candidate to fill this position