
<=KNEC Diploma in Human Resource Management Module II: Theory and Practice of Human Resource Management past paper July 2017

Outline five non-statutory deductions that may be made from an employee’s salary

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Give four reasons that make it necessary for human resource manager to carry out a job evaluation exercise in an organization.
2. Outline six factors that may limit the effectiveness of a performance appraisal exercise in an organization
3. Explain five benefits that a human resource manager may derive from carrying out training needs analysis in an organization
4. Highlight five ways in which an employee may contribute to the occurrence of accidents in the workplace
5. Give five reasons that may lead to retirement of an employee in an organization
6. Outline five non-statutory deductions that may be made from an employee’s salary
7. Highlight five measures that a human resource manager should take to ensure health and safety of employees at workplace
8. Explain five benefits that an organization may derive from carrying out employee counseling
9. Kado limited has introduced a fridge benefits scheme for its employees. Outline five factors that have led to this move
10. Human resource managers may face certain challenges from employing international senior managers. Explain five such challenges
11. Highlight five circumstances under which a human resource manager may find it necessary to use seminars to train employees in an organization
12. Outline five limitations of using management by objective as a method of performance appraisal in an organization
13. Outline five employees related factors that may lead to termination of an employment contract.
14. Highlight five characteristics that a good employee benefits scheme should possess