
<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 1 Basic Electronics past paper: July 2021 with video(s)

Determine the decimal equivalent of each of the following numbers.
i) #756_8#
ii) #89.4_16#

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline four application areas of Gray code number systems.
2. Explain each of the following terms used in basic electronics: i)Logic gate ii) 8421 BCD
3. With aid of a sketch, describe a photodiode as used in electronics.
4. Determine the hexadecimal equivalent of the following number systems. i)#1001111111101000_2# ii) #0.6640625_10#
5. Describe two physical parts of an internal computer hard disk
6. Differentiate between a donor and acceptor atoms as applied in semiconductors.
7. Define each of the following terms as used in basic electronics: i)Neutron ii)Conductivity iii)Inductance iv) Impedance
8. Determine the decimal equivalent of each of the following numbers. i) #756_8# ii) #89.4_16#
9. Figure 1 represents a close electrical circuit. Use it to answer the question that follows: Explain the function of the parts labelled (i) and (ii)
10. Explain two advantages of excess-3 code.
11. With the aid of a diagram, describe the depletion layer of a p-n junction.
12. Distinguish between energy and power as used in electronics.
13. Outline three circumstances that would necessitate the use of inductors in electrical circuits.
14. Evaluate each of the following numbers, show your working. I. #1000 1111_2 + 10101111_2# II. #1011_2 × 1010_2#
15. Employees of a certain company were asked to discuss the trends of computer memory since the fourth generation of computers. Outline three such trends.
16. Calculate each of the following octal arithmetic I.134 + 654 II. 2712 - 1517
17. A student intends to determine the factors that affect the resistance of a conductor. Explain two such factors.
18. Draw a logic circuit for the following boolean equation
19. Outline three disadvantages of using flash memory.
20. A cable of length 4 kilometers has a cross-sectional area of #2 × 10-6m^2# and conductivity of #8 × 10^-6# S/m. determine the resistance of the cable.
21. Figure 2 represent a closed circuit with three resistors of R1(10 Ὠ), R2(15Ὠ), R3(12Ὠ) and a current of 20A. use it to answer the question that follows. Determine the total voltage across the circuit.
22. Calculate 456 + 891 using BCD arithmetic.
23. List four types of capacitors.
24. Explain the following terms as used in computer storage I.byte II. density
25. Expand the general expression to Sum of product form
26. Convert each of the following number systems into their octal equivalent I. #617_16# II. #109_10#
27. Outline three application areas of holographic memory in computers.
28. Explain two circumstances that would necessitate the use of PNP transistors.
29. Draw the symbols for each of the following as used in electricity: I. Battery II. Open switch III. Potentiometer