
<=KNEC Diploma in Human Resource Management Module II: Theory and Practice of Human Resource Management past paper November 2016

Highlight four benefits that employees may derive from forming welfare association in an organization

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline five factors that a human resource manager should consider when developing an organization’s employee enumeration.
2. Explain five circumstances under which a human resource manager may find it appropriate to adopt the peer performance appraisal method
3. Give five reasons that may make it necessary for firms to provide welfare facilities to the employees.
4. Explain five circumstances under which an employee’s dismissal from an organization may be termed unfair
5. Expatriates may enjoy certain special benefits for the inconvenience caused from working and living in a foreign country. Explain five such benefits
6. Outline five factors that should be considered when designing a training program for employees in an organization
7. Give five reasons that may make an employee be declared redundant in an organization
8. Highlight five measures that a human resource manager should take to ensure effective performance appraisal in an organization
9. Highlight four benefits that employees may derive from forming welfare association in an organization
10. An organization’s health and safety programme should aim at achieving certain objectives. Explain six such objectives
11. Outline five benefits of using mentoring as a method of training employees in an organization
12. Give five reasons why it may become necessary to review the salaries of an employee in an organization
13. Highlight five responsibilities of employees in ensuring their own health and safety at the workplace
14. Instead of using full time counselor, Waf ltd usually engages an external counselor for the provision of counselling services to its employees. Explain five reasons that may justify this arrangement