
<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Sales and Marketing past paper November 2015

Explain six causes of the difference between actual sale and budget sales

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Identify four types of services, citing an example in each case
2. Outline four types of functional middlemen
3. Highlight two differences between marketing and selling
4. State four features of an outdoor salesman
5. Explain four features of services
6. Explain six ways in which a seller may influence the buying behavior of customers
7. Explain five external factors that impact on marketing
8. Explain five benefits of branding of product to manufactures
9. Explain four benefits of market segmentation
10. Explain six causes of the difference between actual sale and budget sales
11. In recent times, there have been price wars among companies operating in the same industry. Explain four reasons for such wars
12. Explain six factors that a producer of goods should consider when selecting a middleman.
13. Explain six objectives of advertising
14. Explain four challenges faced by sales persons while selling online