
<=KNEC Diploma in Human Resource Management Module II: Public Relations past paper November 2015

Explain the benefit of using short message service (sms) to communicate with the publics of an organization.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain the ways in which public relations practice may positively influence the external publics of an organization.
2. Mali limited has been experiencing the problem of multiple images. Explain the measures that the public relations managers may take in order to overcome this problem.
3. Outline reasons that may make it necessary for an organization to carry out an image survey.
4. Explain the factors that account for the negative perception of public relations as a profession.
5. The public relations officer of Sali limited is in the process of developing a public relations plan. Explain the details that the plan should contain.
6. Highlight the ways in which downward communication may be used to enhance the internal public relations in an organization.
7. Explain the techniques that a public relations manager may adopt when resolving interpersonal conflicts among departmental staff.
8. Explain the limitations that may be associated with using a consultant to undertake a public relations exercise in an organization.
9. Explain the problems that a public relations practitioner may encounter when undertaking public relations research.
10. The employees of Frasa limited have a negative perception of the organization`s management. Outline the factors that may have influenced this perception.
11. Explain the benefit of using short message service (sms) to communicate with the publics of an organization.
12. Highlight the reasons that would make it necessary for a public relations practitioner to undertake a pre- evaluation survey before carrying out a public relations campaign.
13. Tila , the public relations manager at kepa limited has failed to meet his objectives. Outline the manager`s personal attributes that may have led to this failure.
14. Outline the conduct that is expected of a public relations practitioner towards the general public as stipulated by the code of professional ethics.