
<=KNEC Diploma in Supply Chain Management Module 1 : Warehousing Operations and Stock Control Past Paper July 2017

Mapema company limited ,a manufacturing firm, has adopted a mechanical handling system for its materials. Explain five records that could have led to the decision.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain five challenges that may be faced in a warehouse when using an in appropriate stock location system
2. Highlight five factors the receiving clerk should take into account before unloading a consignment from a supplier.
3. Outline five ways in which an organization may classify its materials for coding .
4. Outline five roles played by warehousing section to the production department.
5. Outline five salient features of good layout .
6. It is the practice in warehousing operations to prepare several copies of materials issue notes for distribution to various sections in an organization .Explain five uses of such copies.
7. Uzima company limited has been using secondary packing for its products .Explain five reasons that could have led to the practice.
8. Explain five factors that an organization may consider before determining the amount of stock to hold.
9. Bondeni company limited carries out materials preservation in its warehouses. Explain the benefits of this practice to its customers.
10. Explain the importance of safety practices in warehouse .
11. Explain five benefits that an organization may derive from maintaining accurate stock records .
12. Mapema company limited ,a manufacturing firm, has adopted a mechanical handling system for its materials. Explain five records that could have led to the decision.
13. Highlight five assumptions underlying the use of economic order quantity(EOQ)model of inventory control.
14. Explain five reasons that may make it necessary to use a team in a stocktaking exercise.