
<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module II Business Law Past paper November 2018

Lucie made an offer to sell her car to Meshack at the beginning of the month of June. Meshack was at that time short of cash. Meshack then gave Lucie Ksh 20,000 in agreement that she holds the car until the end of June. Lucie, however, sold the car to Julie before the end of the month of June. Meshack is aggrieved and intends to sue Lucie in a court of law.
Explain the legal principles applicable in this case.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. List four essentials of a valid contract of employment.
2. List two duties of a principal to the agent.
3. State two cases of injuria sine damnum.
4. State four classifications of operative mistake.
5. State four categories of magistrates who preside over Resident Magistrates Court.
6. State two reasons that make the independence of the judiciary important.
7. Outline three qualifications that are necessary for one to be elected president of Kenya.
8. In relation to the law of property, state four matters that comprise land.
9. State three grounds on which a will may be invalidated.
10. List four maxims of equity.
11. Explain six reasons that may make parliament delegate its law making authority to bodies and persons.
12. In relation to the law of property, outline four duties of a tenant.
13. Highlight six circumstances under which an agent may delegate his duties to a sub-agent.
14. In relation to the law of succession, explain four formalities of a will.
15. Explain six advantages of settling disputes through administrative tribunals.
16. Lucie made an offer to sell her car to Meshack at the beginning of the month of June. Meshack was at that time short of cash. Meshack then gave Lucie Ksh 20,000 in agreement that she holds the car until the end of June. Lucie, however, sold the car to Julie before the end of the month of June. Meshack is aggrieved and intends to sue Lucie in a court of law. Explain the legal principles applicable
17. Outline six functions of the Chief Justice of Kenya.
18. Explain four circumstances under which the termination of the services of an employee would be lawful.
19. Explain four defences that may be available for the defence of defamation.
20. Outline six rules of making an offer.